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Ignatius J A

The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Blessed Trinity. Holy Spirit is God. He is no less God than the Father and the Son. Holy Spirit is real and is a person. He is friend, companion and a counselor.  We must be ready to begin a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit that surpasses anything we ever dreamed possible.

Holy Spirit is waiting to meet us personally. He yearns for a life long friendship. The friendship shall be a two-way communication. As we relate with Him, we learn what grieves Him and what pleases Him. The Holy Spirit will uncover and reveal to us the hidden treasures in the scriptures. The Holy Spirit is the best spiritual teacher and guide on earth. He is the most beautiful, most precious and loveliest person on the earth.

God the Holy Spirit is on the earth doing the work started by the Son in accordance with the will of the Father. 1 Corinthians2: 12 say ” we have received not the spirit of the world, but the spirit that is from God, so that we may understand the gifts bestowed on us by God”. Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God the Father and the Spirit of God the Son. Holy Spirit is the power of Godhead.

Body does not make a person. A person is what comes out of the body, emotion, will, feeling, intellect, etc. These are the characteristics that makes one a person and gives one a personality. Holy Spirit is a person because he possesses all the characteristics. He can feel, perceive and respond. He gets hurt. He has the ability to love. He speaks and has his own will. Holy Spirit is a mighty person and a child like person at the same time. Jesus himself tells us of the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus said ”The Holy Spirit, whom the father will send in my name, will teach you every thing and remind you of all that I have said to you” (John 14:26)

When we hurt a child he will stay away from us, when we love a child he will be very close to us. The Holy Spirit is like a child. His closeness to you depends on how you treat him. Holy Spirit is a gentleman he will not force us to do things. He waits for us to seek his help. He does not speak to us until we speak to Him. It could be months –even years.

As we relate with the Holy Spirit, changes will take place in our lives. First, word of God becomes very important in our lives. Secondly, our prayer-life will change. Thirdly, the Holy Spirit transforms our lives and that change will be visible to all those associated with us.

When God the Father speaks, He speaks through the voice of the Holy Spirit. When Jesus sent out his apostles, He said  "Do not worry about how or what you should speak, for it will be given to you at that hour what you should speak, for it is not you who speak but the Spirit of your Father who speaks in you (Mathew10: 19&20). The Holy Spirit is the one who communicates heaven into your heart. He is the voice of God to us. We follow either the sound of carnal and materialistic world or the voice of the Holy Spirit. Romans 8:5 says ”For those who live according to the flesh set their mind on things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, set their minds on the things of the Spirit”.

Holy Spirit is omni-present and omni-potent. He is at all places at the same time and all-powerful. He can be afflicted and tormented. He is a lover not a fighter. If He is grieved, He will gently retreat. If He is quenched, He will quietly depart. How tragic to think that people attempt to quitter such a lovely person. Holy Spirit longs for our love and friendship, we wound Him through our ignorance and rebellion.

Holy Spirit may do wonders in our lives, but His main purpose is to convict us of our sins and lead us to Jesus. The most important step is to acknowledge Jesus as the son of the living God who shed his precious blood on the cross at Calvary for us and ask Jesus to come and cleanse our hearts from all unrighteousness.

We must believe that we are dependent on the Holy Spirit. He is all that we have. Jesus promised the Holy Spirit and the Father sent Him, that we may have knowledge, power, communion and fellowship. He will anoint us, help us, breathe on us, comfort us, give us rest, lead us and guide us, help us to pray and much more.

The Holy Spirit is waiting to begin a fellowship with us so that we may become” New creation”. It is up to each one of us either to accept or reject the invitation. Let our prayer be” Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of every one with your divine presence. May all feel you as a person and friend. Help them to know Jesus, love Jesus and be like Jesus to the world.
