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                                              BY  SARAH VINCENT PULICKAL

"Daddy get up! Breakfast's ready."
"Hey, that smells like bacon fry, like mother's".

Bella paused for a moment to think of her mama.

Tears welled up in her eyes. Mama had died in Avalanche two years back when she was seven. She tried to be brave about it, but at night when she awoke to hug mama she would burst out in tears. As years passed and by seeing her father's courage, she coped with it.
Daddy interrupted her thoughts.

"Yummy! This sure is delicious."
"Thanks. Daddy, I've got catechism today, it's Sunday. Can you drop me?"
"Ya, sure, darling."

After breakfast, Bella cleared the table and they were on their way to church.

When they stopped at the signal, Bella watched some boys play cricket, when she glanced at the signal and back at the game she saw the ball whiz through Daddy's open window. She cried,

"Daddy! Duck down, duck down!"

But it was too late; the cricket ball hit Daddy. She knew if a cricket ball hit someone he would die, but she prayed fervently, but to no avail. She saw the boy who had thrown the ball came towards her car. She ran out and hit out at him. The boy shouted,

"Hey girl, we've got to call the ambulance, from what I see, the man's in a great danger."

He called the ambulance and within a few minutes it was by her car side. The doctor's face was grave. Then the news was broken to her-HER DADDY HAD DIED. She burst out in tears, and went to her father's side. Sobbing, she said,

"Daddy, pray for me in heaven, tell Mama also."

When the doctor heard this, he understood that she was an orphan. He called her and thumbed a lift to send her for her catechism.

When she reached her class, her teacher saw her red eyes and said to her kindly

"What happened, why were you crying?"

Bella related the whole incident. Then the teacher dismissed the class and turned to her. She explain to her that her father belonged to God and now God has called him back, she also told try to forgive the boy who killed her father. She sat with Bella and explained other things, which had happened to her as a child. Then Bella left for church and prayed hard. She was able to forgive the boy, which made her feel as if a soft breeze of peace and joy had swept over her heart. As she left church and headed for the convent she sighed and said," God's will be done, He has a plan for everything." From then on she dedicated her life for Jesus