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Jose Cordeiro

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Hi Jesus! How are you doing? Thanks for getting me to the church on time.
Let us "do" the Eucharist!

What a relief I felt after my Reconciliation! I feel terrible whenever I go off track. I just can't seem to do things right. Please bless me in name of my loving Father who created me, the Son -- yes You Jesus -- who died for me, saves me, heals me and  my sweet Holy Spirit who is constantly there to show me the way.

Today shall I pray for my family, friends and relatives? Hey I must pray for. He asked me to. I know you said to love my enemies. I don't seem to be in  a loving mood. I need an attitude change. I surrender my loveless feelings to you. I can't believe this. You've done it again. I feel a shade better already. Thanks are in order.

We are gathering together unto Him . It's so funny. My emotions are entangled but my heart is happy singing the hymn. It is assuring to know that You are alive. Thanks for being there for me always. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.  As I hear these words, I can feel the love of the Triune God gushing. May the Celebrant also feel Your agape love. He seems a little under the weather.

I hear Alvin Slaughter singing, "Lay down your burdens at the altar, Cast all your cares upon the Lord . Join in the time of celebration, Offer your heart to Him alone". Oh Jesus I have sinned exceedingly. It's my tongue again. My thoughts are up to tricks. My attitude needs an overhauling. Selfishness! All this is too hot to handle.  Jesus just take them. Please forgive me for I know not what I do.  Thank God You have a loving heart. I need to hear You. I need some comforting. I can feel it in my bones that You will heal me where it hurts most. You make me happy.

Your loving forgiveness overwhelms me as I hear Lord Have Mercy. I am tripping. It is so beautiful when we sing the Gloria with our hearts full of praise and thanks. Do we sound like the angels in heaven? I know Your love and healing is released by our attitude of gratitude.

O Holy Spirit you know what is in my heart, mind, soul and spirit. You know what is Father God's will for me. Please let me pray through Jesus so that I don't do my thing but that Your will be done. If there is a clash then please teach me to accept and not fight. Your will. How do I know Your will? Jesus, You are the Word. Throw some Light on my life-situations. I am confused. Let the Word, that is You,  be birthed in my mind, my lips and my  heart. Yes I believe in You, God the Father. Yes Jesus Christ I know You are my Lord and Saviour. Yes Holy Spirit I believe in You and feel Your Fire. Speak to me. I am listening.

All right. I will keep my petitions on hold. We will intercede for the Church and the governments. The salvation of the world is an issue close to Your heart. My name is etched in Your heart. Am I as close as Your favourite disciple, who was leaning on You at Your Last Supper?

Jesus, just how You took the bread and wine then, we bring to the altar now all that we are and all that we have. Our praises as well as our petitions. Our physical problems we offer with the bread. Our starved souls, mangled minds and erratic emotions we bring along with the wine. Just as the drop of water mingles in the wine do make us one with You. Jesus thanks for the blessings. Transformation. What a difference You make in our lives! Bonding with You breaks bondage. My heart is overflowing with joy as we sing, "Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna in the Highest." God the Father please accept these gifts. Through Jesus, we offer our unworthy selves.

Jesus Its You I desire! I want You! I need You! I love You! Nothing else matters.

My heart is bubbling and bursting with bliss as I hear Through him, with him, in him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honour is yours, almighty Father, for ever and ever. AMEN! Here I am. Yes Father I am Yours. You are such a loving Father. Your love is perfect. We praise Your holy name from the bottom of our hearts. Please rule in our hearts, lives and over our iniquities. Thanks not only for our daily earthly bread which nourishes our body but also for the daily Eucharistic bread which is food for our drooping spirits. Forgiveness is the crux of the matter. This is a difficult one. Please teach me to forgive so that I experience Your love and healing touch. Don't let temptations "nest" in my mind. Please clear the cobwebs out. Yes I know that if You are with us no one can be against us. Protect me from every kind of evil, sin and anxiety. Let nothing come between us. Lets Your love and peace flow like a flood. Your peace is beautiful. Yes, the spiritual, emotional, intellectual, physical and psychological peace which only you can give. We all need generous portions. All are smiling. We are all one body in You. You insist that we have to be a smiling, sharing, caring and loving Church. Its Your love that does it.

Thanks for your unconditional love. Lord, I am not worthy to receive you, but only say the word and I shall be healed. I believe that only You can renew, revive and refresh me. I don't have the faith of the "centurion" or the "hemorrhaging woman". I need a "double helping" of faith. Jesus, just as you did with your disciples, let Your love transform me completely. Make me meek and humble. Fill every part of my being. Let me become one with You. Let me be in communion through Communion.

I walk towards You. I worship You. I touch You. You are real. You are on my tongue. I can feel You. I can't bite You. I swallow You. I consume You. Your Body and Blood nourishes my body and blood. Your Spirit transforms my spirit.

I hear music in the silence. It's Love! Joy! Still! Speechless! I listen. You talk. I hear. I know that I know what I know. Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine. Praise God! Thanks and thanks again. Christ is in me!