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Ignatius J A

Inner means inside. Healing means cure. In other words, we are going to see how to cure that which is inside us.

First question that arises is, what is it that is inside us that requires cure?  It could be defined as assets acquired by us from our family members and society. They are anger, hatred, fear, jealousy, suspicion, etc, etc. We acquire them from the moment we are conceived in our mother’s womb till we go to the tomb. We should Endeavor to get rid of these things.

Mind is made up of 3 statuses. Conscious, unconscious and sub-conscious .I am talking to you in my conscious mind. There are moments after leaving the house we are not sure if we closed the tap or Gas. We might have closed it.  It is because we have done the act mechanically and in an unconscious state. Certain thoughts and feelings go from our conscious mind to the sub-conscious mind and it remains there. Moment it gets activated it reacts.

How do I acquire these negative qualities? God created each one of us in his own image and likeness. Most of the time we accept ourselves as what others want us to be. At times we parents, compare one child to the other. We may say you are no good compared to your sister. It may happen, a teacher in the school may pass a similar remark on the same child. It gets registered in the child’s mind that it is good for nothing. Every time a child receives the same unpleasant remark, the impression becomes deeper in the mind. Medically it has been found, the child starts to receive impressions in the mind from the time it is a couple of weeks (6 weeks) since its formation in the mother’s womb. Every feelings of the mother during her pregnancy is transmitted to the child.

As a child grows up, the negative qualities it acquires in day-to-day contact with society and family members, passes from the conscious mind to the unconscious mind. Even as adult, we collect these negative qualities in our daily life. These negative thoughts and feelings are like the unhealed wound in our body. We might have got a cut and we neglect it after putting some first aid. The skin may get healed but the wound is deep down and unhealed. The moment some one touches you at that particular place you react either by withdrawing yourself or shout with pain. This is exactly what happens to your negative feelings in your sub-conscious mind. If you have hatred against some one, at the first available opportunity the mind will react negatively towards that person. That is why our negative feelings must be removed from your mind at the earliest opportunity.

How do I remove these negative feelings? The answer lies with Jesus Christ. Heb. 13:8 tell us He is the same yesterday, today and forever. During inner-healing service we invite Jesus and ask him to take us to our past life and show us the areas were we need His healing touch. Two conditions are a must to receive inner healing.  First, repentance for our own actions by which we may have hurt someone.  Two, forgiveness to all those who have hurt us. When we do that, we will be healed. Isaiah.49: 13 Lord will comfort his people and show compassion.

Inner healing is not a one-time affair; it is an on going process. That is why, inner healing should form part of our personnel prayer, and we must seek God’s healing touch to be cured of all the negative feelings acquired by us during the day. What I have shared with you is just a tip of the ice-burg. If you want to experience this wonderful gift of God’s healing, you must practice it daily. You will be able to overcome all the negative thoughts and feelings in due course of time. As your inner wounds are healed you will be able to communicate with God more easily and in an effective manner.


1.Three status of mind

2.What is inner healing?  Curing that which is inside us

3.What is it that is inside us?   Negative feelings and thoughts.

4.How do we acquire the negative feelings?

5.How to remove the negative feelings
