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                                              Janice Miranda


As you all have friends, definitely there is one friend who is very close to you. So, automatically you try to please your friend. Your friend comforts, consoles and helps you when your are in trouble. You try to help him when he is in trouble and you confide in him. But you never know whether he will keep it to himself or reveal it to everyone and betray you. 

But we fail to realize that Jesus only is our true friend. In the same way we must try to follow His example though it is quite difficult. We must see that we walk according to His will, which will make Him happy. In return Jesus will shower the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit that is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness and self-control.

  We speak to our friends and maintain a close relationship with them. In the same way, we can communicate with Jesus anywhere and anytime. He is just a prayer away. Things, which we cannot relate to our dearest friends or even to our family members, we can be free to tell to Jesus, We may have many trials, temptations, troubles, pains, sorrows and weaknesses coming in our way. But we should always remember that Jesus is eagerly longing for us to ask Him for His grace and strength. We should be eager to praise, worship and glorify His name. You might say, “Why is there any necessity to thank Him?” Well, the solution is to start counting your blessings. Though we cannot see Him with our naked eyes, He is an Omnipotent Father. The very blessing is that you are here in His midst to glorify Him. God never sees our appearance but a human friend sometimes definitely makes it a point to do so. He loves us all the same. Hence, He has given His spirit to lead and guide us throughout our life. When the Holy Spirit comes into our life, we are filled with joy, peace, patience and love. He can do many miracles in our lives. So, we must have a close relationship with the Holy Spirit.

  Whenever we are successful in life we must not be proud or boast about it. Remember that Jesus said in John 15:5, “I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in Me and I in them will bear much fruit, because apart from Me you can do nothing.” So, we must first thank our Lord, and acknowledge His presence since without His help definitely we might not have done it.

  In our prayers, first and foremost we must praise His name. Secondly, we must say that His will be done by surrendering all our joys and sorrows at His feet everyday. Thirdly, we must ask Him for our daily bread. Fourthly, we should ask Him to forgive us and give us grace to forgive our neighbours. Lastly, we must ask Him to save us from temptation and evil. All these points are included in the prayer, which Jesus taught us, that is the “Our Father”. We should try to listen to Him by reading His word daily. Not only prayers are important but our deeds done to others also count. Jesus mentioned in the bible “Love your neighbour as yourself, thus the deeds done to them are taken into consideration. In this way our love for God also increases.