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By Glen Leo Mendonca, 

                                                                    Pastoral Associate


"They should not presume to read who by mere chance take up the book … Only those are to discharge these duties who can do so to the edification of the hearers." 

Among Hindus, religious experience consists in darshan or vision. For
Christians, however, faith comes from hearing. The word of God is a living
and dynamic presence, achieving the very salvation about which it speaks even
as the reader proclaims it. The church has taught us this view in the words "
Christ is present in his word since it is he himself who speaks when the holy
scriptures are read in the church." And again, "In the liturgy God speaks to
his people and Christ is still proclaiming his Gospel"  (Vatican II, The
constitution on the liturgy).

The participation of lay people in Christ's priestly office Canon Law 436
'Lay people who possess the required qualities can be admitted permanently to
the ministries of lector and acolyte'. For the purpose of assisting the work
of the common priesthood of the faithful, other particular ministries also
exist, not consecrated by the sacrament of Holy Orders; their functions are
determined by the bishop, in accord with liturgical traditions and pastoral
needs. "Servers, readers, commentators, and member of the choir also exercise
a genuine liturgical function." Sacrosanctum concilium 29, Vatican II.

In 1972, Pope Paul VI (Minist. Quaedam) restored the role of lector to the
official status of a ministry. "Let the reader be aware of the office he has
undertaken and make every effort and employ suitable means to acquire that
increasingly warm and living love and knowledge of Scripture that will make
him a more perfect disciple of the Lord." These words of Pope Paul VI
describe the relationship between the lector and the readings as a very
intimate and personal one; It is important to see this lay ministry as true
ministry - not simply duties carried out by generous lay person's eager to
assist the clergy -- "helping hands:

The ministry of lector calls for a person to grow in a warm and loving
knowledge of Scripture, the living Word of God. He or she is invited to enter
a relationship with a Word that is creative, powerful, and effective. In the
fullness of time, this Word took flesh in the person of Jesus of Nazareth.
Now it continues to take flesh again and again whenever a man or woman stands
up to proclaim it - at least, it should take flesh, the flesh of that person.
 The reader must exercise great skill to draw all into listening. It is a
craft, an art even, that takes much practice. The material is nearly always
rich, but it needs to live in the voice of a member of our church, one who is
utterly convinced of its vitality. And that is where the liturgy of the word
and the task of the reader transcend the image of storyteller.  As readers,
we come forth from the assembly, never forgetting that it is only as good and
active members that we are worthy to serve others through the proclamation of
our Scriptures.

In an answer to a genuine need, volunteers who have a generous spirit are
called upon to give in their names for all masses Call Your respective Parish
Priest. In accord with General Instruction on the Roman Missal  # 52, 55 &
66, They would be formed and educated to proclaim the word of God in a
compelling way, through specific technical and spiritual programs of
formation. Minimum age 18 (bishops) Those lectors who are of outstanding
ability will be called upon to serve more regularly, and those who are in
need of training will be given it.