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                                                    Johnson Joseph

Peace to all of you dear brothers & sisters in Christ. I greet you all in the name of our Lord Jesus whose name is higher than every other name Amen.

In His name every knee should bow, of all the Heavens and all of the earth and of all under the earth (Phil 2:10) because of the victory that He has given to us on the cross 2000 years ago He has defeated every evil spirit and has overcome every sin, every sickness, every disease and He has set us free from all bondages and delivered us from all powers of darkness and translated us into the kingdom of the Son of His love (Col. 1:13), (this is just as a person working in office and been promoted, when  you are promoted you get all the benefits and enjoy some more powers) same way you enjoy new heavenly love and powers from God, which cannot be written but should be experienced because God is love and if you experience Gods love, no other worldly love can stand before, its  an eternal love and we rejoice in that love of  Lord every moment of our life. That is the reason He takes pleasure in our joy because He loved us before we could love Him. That’s why He sent His only son to this world, so that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16).

In Jesus time disciples were totally dependent on Jesus Christ and they had fellowship with Him daily, but today our Lord has sent a Comforter, a Helper, an Advocate i.e. the Holy Spirit. So brothers and sisters we should have a fellowship with the Holy Spirit, He is just waiting for you to talk, so right from morning as you get up from your bed you can start a fellowship saying good morning Holy Spirit, like disciples were depended on Jesus, we can depend on our day to day life with the fellowship of Holy Spirit and you will experience a difference, so talk to Him all the time as you talk to your friend. So that you may have a walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God (Col.1: 10). And how that is possible only if you are in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17) says, therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, old things have passed away, behold, all things have become new. The Bible clearly says, if you put on the robe of righteousness you are a brand new person, your old habits will change, your sinful nature will change, your bondages will be free, because you are in Jesus Christ, since you are in Christ, you are a new creation, for that reason the word says behold, you should keep wearing the robe of Christ and how you can do this by first and foremost accepting Christ as your Saviour, reading the word of God, Psalms, singing hymns and by daily prayers, because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. My dear brothers and sisters, if you want to know about a person, or any other celebrity. How can we know about him, only by reading or hearing and that exactly we have to do or just as we switch on to the tape recorder for a pop music songs, the song when we listen several times it goes into our hearts and we memorize this words, we see, even little children whatever age they are able to grasp some few words by heart. So brothers and sisters start tuning to the word of God i.e. Bible and read slowly and try to understand the beautiful lively words and you will find God talking to you through it, experience it, because the Bible says in John 15:7 if you abide in Me and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire and it shall be done for you Amen. Let the Lord fulfill each and every person’s desire of his/her heart because my dear brothers and sisters, God has chosen and has called you by your name. May the Lord Jesus Christ dwell in your heart and let Gods light shine in you and let all your darkness depart from you 1John 1:5 and let you be a chosen vessel for God Amen.