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                                                                By Francis C Joseph


Love, we have been experiencing from our birth till now. We know many kinds of love:-  love of parents, love of our friends, love of our relatives and many other more. And we know that without love nothing is possible, without love we are like beast. St. Paul describes love in 1 Corinthians 13:1, "I may able to speak the languages of different men or even angels but if I have no love then I am only a ringing cymbal."  In further verse 3 he says, "I may even give up everything I have to feed the poor. And may give up my body to be burned but I gain nothing if I do these things without love."  Thus we know the importance of love. But the topic is "MOTHER' LOVE".

    In Christianity the word "Mother" is used to describe three person, who have their own duties and roles in our life: -

1.    Mother of a child

2.    Mother Mary

3.    The Church

1.    Mother of a child

    A Mother of a child has many rights and duties bestowed on her. She is not only confined to household work or working in a big company but also lifting up her child in faith. This is the place where love comes into being. Without love there will be no kindness, without love there will be no obedience, without love nothing is possible. As a result the child becomes rude, short-tempered, and gains various other undesirable qualities, and learns bad habits. There three main and important duties of a mother, which are: -


     This is an important rule because God gives children, therefore they are the children of God and it is to keep God's law. 


    This also means educating about the religion and to install all the virtues so that the child can lead a good spiritual life.


    Without educating her children. The children become good for nothing in other words they don't know anything and remain illiterates. They go for evil jobs like pick pocketing stealing or murdering.

   But you might be pondering, "what relation duty and love has?" When we have love in our hearts there is God's duty to be fulfilled and when there is God's duty love is needed.

2.    Mother Mary

   When we say Mother Mary we remember Mother of Jesus, but we must also remember that she is also our Mother. As we see in John ch 19:26-27 "Jesus saw his mother standing there. He saw the follower he loved the most standing there. He told to his Mother, "Dear woman, behold your son." He told to follower 'behold your mother." From that time onwards Mother Mary Became our Mother. She loves us and cares for us. She intercedes for us because we are her children. She will give us anything we ask that is good for us. She knows that her Son, Jesus will never refuse her.

   Mother Mary also cared Jesus like a loving mother. She taught him the Scriptures even though she knew that he was the Good News. She taught him good habits, virtues and commandments even though she knew that he was the Son of God.

Now the question arises that why do we pray to Mother Mary?

   The answer is at the wedding at Canna where the wine was over. Mother Mary goes to Jesus and says "Son, there is no wine." but Jesus says, "Woman, my time has not come yet."  But still the bond of love between Jesus and Mother Mary was so strong that Jesus Did his first miracle, changing water into wine. 

    The Holy Bible says, "Even if your mother forgets you, I will not forget you." To fulfill this Jesus gave us his Mother. Therefore by doing this we have two Mothers to look after us. 

3.    The Church

    Church is a community of people. When we say "COMMUNITY" we mean to say there is a bond of love between the people. The Church like a mother gives everything we need to build our faith.

    As I conclude my talk by saying that Mother's love includes duties of three persons and our duties towards them. Therefore they become an important aspect of our life.