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 Reshmy Grace Rajan Moozhikkal

    The room is dark. You frantically grope around for the switch, to get out of the room. You trip over the furniture, and move around aimlessly. Finally, your hand touches the switch. You press it and the room gets flooded with light. Now that you can get out of the room, you feel very glad. That feeling that we get, that feeling of freedom after captivity, is simply an out-of-the-world experience. Yes, this is the feeling of salvation. A feeling of freedom from the clutches of the evil one. 

    This is only possible when the light of salvation floods our heart. And this light is none other than Jesus Christ himself. In John 9:5, he says, ”I’m the light of the world.” Every word that comes out of his mouth is a guideline for us, a stepping stone to success. When we are pulled into that whirlpool of darkness and sin, his light always shines upon us and shows us the way out. But it is a pity, that even after all these efforts, we are still blind. Blind enough to neglect the fact that the Lord has gone through all these pains and turmoil just to save us, sinners.

     The fact is, we are nothing but dust on the face of the earth, yet it is said that we are given the authority over angels. God himself had come down, took flesh and sacrificed innocent blood, for the sake of us, sinners. This is because “without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sins”. (Hebrew 9:22)

     So shouldn’t we repay him with a little bit of gratitude? So friends, let us join hands in spreading the light of salvation to those whom are still in the darkness. The value of a lighted candle is only known when it is placed in the darkness. So friends let us open our eyes to this radiant light and spread the news of the salvation to those dark corners of the world. Let us spread among our friends, the values of freedom from sin. Maybe we are sinners ourselves. But a repenting heart is all that God needs.  

     Lets pray that this light shines upon us forever and shows us the right path. Let us pray that this light helps us in proclaiming the Good News to the world. Let us bravely put our foot forward for the sake of our fellow beings with the motto, “thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.”