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Ignatius J A

We are ignorant most of the time that wrongdoing is a sin. Any thing that is not in accordance with God’s plan is sin. It could be our thoughts, words or actions. (Proverbs 6:16-19) 

God created us and gave us eyes to see the beauty of His creation and give Him glory. That is God’s plan. As I walk along the road, I see a beautiful person of opposite sex. Wrong ideas come to my mind. I brush it aside and pray in my heart that God may protect that person from all dangers. I have done in accordance with God’s plan. On the other hand, on seeing a beautiful person, I give into my lustful desires. It becomes a sin because that was not God’s plan. It is a wrongdoing and sin in the eyes of God. It affects my relationship with God. Wrongdoing is a sin.

Wrong doing always affects our relationship with God. It may or may not affect our relationship with others. In a party I encounter a person and suddenly a hostile thought about the person comes to my mind based on the opinion expressed earlier by a third person. I now make a hostile judgment about the person in my mind. This person is a child of God and precious in God’s eyes. My hostile judgment is a wrong doing in God’s sight and it affects my relationship with God. It does not affect my relationship with the person. I must seek God’s pardon and mercy and be reconciled with God. Mathew 7:1 Do not judge so that you may not be judged. If I were to convey my hostile judgment to the person, it is a wrongdoing affecting my relationship with God and the person. I must seek pardon from God and the person and be reconciled with God and the person. Romans 2:1 In passing judgment on others you condemn yourself.

A housewife puts up with the children who have been on her nerves all day long. The moment husband comes back, at the slightest opportunity, she lets go her frustration at him. Circumstances of the day make her behavior understandable. In the eyes of God it is a wrongdoing. By human standard we try to excuse our self or justify our action. If the Wife sits at the feet of the Lord at the end of the day, Holy Spirit will convict the above act is wrong. Wife must seek pardon from God and husband. She must share with the husband the circumstances of the day that led her to behave in that manner. Husband on his part must genuinely forgive the wife with a compassionate heart. Thus wrongdoing has not only been repaired between God and man, it enables to strengthen the human bond in the family in due course.

Gossiping affects the reputation of others and it is a wrongdoing. All form of addictions is wrong doings and affects relationship with God, family members and society. Wrong doing on account of wrong attitudes of life. We do things because our parents and grand parents did it. The list can go on and on. The consequences of wrong doing are as follows:

  1. Leads to guilt feeling.
  2. Leads to mistrust & suspicion.
  3. Leads to fear & inferiority complex.
  4. Leads to anxiety and worry.
  5. Destroys peace and harmony.

All human being will act wrongly. We must know how to identify the wrongdoing and repair it at the earliest. Steps to rectify the wrong doings are:

  1. To be aware of the wrongdoing.

Unless we are aware of the wrong doing, we cannot take remedial action. In our personnel prayer, we must ask the Holy Spirit to show us the wrong doings of our lives. Holy Spirit will not only show us the wrong doings but will convict us.

  1.  To take responsibility

 We must take responsibility for the wrong doing committed. We should not pass the buck to others. When we accept responsibility for our wrongdoing, we acknowledge God’s strength in us to over come the wrongdoing. We claim God’s promise, where in he has said,  “In our weaknesses His strength will be revealed” When we take responsibility for the wrong doing with true sorrow, we will be focused on the injured person & on the Lord. False sorrow will lead to self-condemnation and guilt feeling. 2 Corintians7: 10 Godly sorrow produces repentance, which leads to salvation and ungodly sorrow to death.

  1. Eagerness to repent

Repentance is God’s special gift to us. It is an opportunity to grow in humility, submission and love. Luke15:11 “He who humbles himself shall be exalted”. We must seek forgiveness as a form of repentance from God and the person who has been affected. Eagerness to repent will pave the way for us to ensure, we do not fall into the same act of wrongdoing.

  1. Reconciliation

Best form of reconciliation with God is to make peace with him in the sacrament of reconciliation. It is a wonderful gift God has given us through the church. We approach this sacrament as sinners on our knees and rise up as saint after the absolution. The degree of grace that is poured out on the individual depends on how one approaches it. Apart from seeking God’s reconciliation, we must also reconcile with the affected person.

We are human and wrong doings are bound to happen in our lives at sometime or other. It will cause no serious damage if it is dealt swiftly and firmly through awareness, accepting responsibility, repentance and reconciliation. People of God are people who can work through differences and be reconciled with each other. People of God must be able to handle conflict and repair wrongdoing. When wrong doings are repaired it brings peace to individuals and community. It develops better relationship among people.