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                                                                                               Ignatius J A

We are made up of body, mind and soul. We take care of the body by taking proper food and nourishment. Moment the body becomes sick, we rush to the doctor for treatment and restoration .We is keen to ensure that the body is in good and healthy state. Similarly, we are keen to nourish the mind in the form of education, knowledge, acquiring information through books, medium, sharing of others experience etc. What ever be our field of work or activity, the mind is being constantly nourished and updated .So that we do not become outdated and discarded.

Efforts taken to nourish the body & mind are good and a must .A person is said to be healthy, when body, mind and soul are in a healthy state. Among the three, soul is of vital importance. It is important because it is forever and has been made in the image and likeness of God. The Catholic Church helps us in nourishing our soul from time to time and also how to treat it and restore it once it becomes sick.

Based on Scriptures and traditions that have been in practice from early Christian period, the church has given us the Sacraments as nourishments for our soul. Nourishments for the soul are there from the time we are born till we die. That is from the womb to the tomb. 

What are sacraments? 

They are outward sign of inward grace.  Outward sign is the same but the inward grace varies from person to person based on ones faith and his/her spiritual status.

First Nourishment-Baptism

This is the first sacrament we generally receive as a child. Here the believers that is, parents, relatives, friends, etc take the child to the church to be Baptized .By this child is cleansed from original sin and becomes a child of God and member of the church.

Second Nourishment-Confession

It is one of the most powerful nourishment for the soul. We approach this sacrament with all humility and faith. Humility, because we are to confess, to another human person who is physically present. Faith, because we believe the person hearing the confession represents God in spite of all his weaknesses. Also we believe he holds all authority to forgive sins .We go down on our knees as sinner’s and after confession we rise up as saints. We are cleansed and the soul becomes pure and white as snow. Isaiah 1:18 Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall become like snow.

Third Nourishment-Communion

John 6:36 Jesus said, “I am the bread of life”. This bread of life, that is Jesus Christ, which we receive during the Holy Mass, is powerful nourishment for our soul. Anything that is powerful when misused in our day-to-day life gives an opposite or a reverse effect. So also with the powerful nourishment of Holy Communion. We see this in the last supper. Judas with evil thought shared the meal with the other apostles and scripture tells us immediately Satan entered his heart. That is why, we should receive this Sacrament in a most worthy state. Incase we have fallen or sinned, we should go to the Sacrament of Confession, reconcile our self to God and then receive Jesus in the Holy Mass. 

Fourth Nourishment-Confirmation

Holy Spirit, which had come into each one of us at the time of Baptism, is silent and subdued. Holy Spirit will not force his way into our lives. He will take control if we invite Him. Through this Sacrament we are inviting Him to come into our lives in a more dominate way and set our lives ablaze for the love of God & love of our fellow men. No one can say Jesus is Lord except by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Fifth Nourishment-Matrimony (marriage)

God instituted this sacrament when He gave Eve to Adam has his partner. In marriage two different identities are to come together as one. This requires lot of effort and grace of God. In any Christian marriage, three persons are required. All others are of insignificant. They are bride, bridegroom and God. God showers His blessings and grace at the time of marriage for the couple to love each other for the rest of their lives under all circumstances.

Sixth Nourishment-Holy order

Some are called by God to serve Him exclusively in this world. They too need God’s special grace. The grace to be faithful to God is given to them in the Sacrament of Holy Order .It enables them to be faithful to God for the rest of their life.

Seventh Nourishment-Anointing of the sick

Earlier this sacrament was given at the time of death. It was found many people received this sacrament and regained health. As a result of many such recoveries, the church has decided to give this Sacrament to all those who are sick and desire to receive it. We have sacraments to nourish us at various stages of our life from the womb to the tomb. Some of these nourishments are powerful tools in our spiritual walk. Most powerful of them all is the Holy Communion, which can be received frequently almost every day. In the coming days may we use the Sacraments more effectively as a source of power to sustain our walk with the Lord on this earth and forever.