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Ignatius J A

Mary is the mother of Jesus and mother of all. Her life was not a bed of roses. On the contrary, every stage of her life from the time of annunciation to her assumption was moments of suffering and concern for others. Let us see the sufferings or the crosses she had to bear.

First cross that confronted her was when she was in her teens. Luke 1:28.  Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and said  ‘Greetings favored one, the Lord is with you’. Scripture tells us in verses 29 she was perplexed. Angel further revealed to her that she will conceive in her womb and bear a son. Just imagine the status of her mind. Even the teenage girls of modern time may not be able to accept such message. Mary accepted this cross putting her trust in God. She said "let it be done to me according to your word’. She committed her self to God and trusted Him; she knew her God will act for her. From that moment she became a part God’s plan for the salvation of the human race.

She drank up to the brim the chalice of pain & suffering. When time came for her to deliver her son, she had no place and also when she lost her son at the age of 12yrs during the feast of Passover at Jerusalem.

Mary’s greatest agony was when she had to look at the intense suffering of her son helplessly. She saw her loving son encircled by soldiers. Jesus carrying the heavy wooden cross. His whole body bruised as a result of brutal physical tortures. The soldiers struck him, mocked him, spat at him and dragged him through the uneven dirty streets like a dirty rag. The poor mother could not but turn her face in utter disappointment. Sympathy and consoling words could not ease her aching heart in those dreadful moments. Every fall with his heavy cross was like a deathblow to her.

She saw three long sharp nails placed near the cross. She heard the metallic sound as the cruel executioners hammered the nail into his flesh. Every stroke of the hammer was dreadful like a death knell. How could a mother bear to witness such torture?

When she heard the words from the lips of her dying son "I am thirsty”. Mary might have remembered his days of infancy when she fed him. Now she was unable to quench his thirst even with a drop of water. How pathetic the dreadful scene must have made the most piercing wound in her turbulent mind. Yet she was not fretting and fuming but walked with unsteady steps.

When Jesus said, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me” her heart was torn apart. If she had a chance to rescue his life, she would have done it, even at the cost of her own life. But she was helpless. She had no way but to sob her heart out.

Jesus was laid on the cross in the hot sun. The moment of final parting was fast approaching. His mother was an eyewitness to all the brutality and cruel punishment. How many times he had kept company with his mother.

Oscillation of his head gained speed. Mary looked around, every nook and corner for help, seeing none her tears continued to stream down her eyes. Her heart over burdened with sadness was deaf and blind to what was happening around. Her thoughts centered on the agony of her son. She feared she would be alone within minutes.

At last his body became lifeless-his sacrifice on the cross for the salvation of millions.

The corpse was placed on the mother’s lap. She saw swollen face and eyes, the bruised body and the nail pierced wounds. At that moment our dear mother had no more tears to shed.

The body was taken from her lap to the final resting place. Early happy and joyous days flashed through her mind. With a deeply wounded heart, the mother turned away after paying her last homage. She would find new joy only in her resurrection.

God abundantly rewarded her by taking her body and soul into heaven to be with her Divine son.