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By Glen Leo Mendonca, 

                                                                    Pastoral Associate


"They huddled together in the upper room praying for help, helpless and almost hopeless - a body of men without a soul"

True to his promise, Jesus did not leave us orphans, but sent the Holy Spirit. Pentecost (Acts 2) saw the very first stroke of Apostolic mission, marked by the enthusiastic Holy Spirit phenomena. What happened at Pentecost we really do not know, except that the disciples had an experience of the power of the Spirit flooding their beings such as they never had before. The power of the Spirit was such that it had given these simple disciples a message that could reach every heart. This motley mob was hearing the word of God through the Kerugma (announcement type of preaching) in a way that struck straight home to their hearts and that they could understand.

It marks the Birthday of the Church and we have a kind of lightning summary of the characteristic of the early Church.

It was a learning Church always looking forward.

It was a Church of fellowship, having a great quality of togetherness - a band of brothers and sisters

It was a praying Church, they always went before God before they went out to the world It was a reverent Church, they had fear and awe as the whole earth is the temple of the living God

It was a Church where things happened, cause they believed and expected great things from God and attempted great things from God and they happened with signs and wonders

It was a sharing Church, there was an intense feeling of responsibility for each other a feeling of personal responsibility

It was a worshipping Church, they never forgot to visit God's house, "God knows nothing of solitary religion'

It was, a happy Church, there was gladness

It was a Church whose people others could not help liking, a winsome attractiveness

Like so many mysteries it is not a once-in –history events; the work of the Holy Spirit goes on daily in our lives. He is dwelling in us. We are his special temples. We must never forget that the Holy Spirit is a Person, He is Love (Romans 5:5) The Holy Spirit is the Soul of the Church-Body of which we are members. He is our Friend. He is not a distant, inaccessible, mysterious flame or wind or dove. He is a real Person and a real Friend.

If hitherto we have somewhat neglected the Holy Spirit, now is the time to repair that fault. As members of St. Mary’s Church-Body we can learn to love him, to trust him, to pray to him, especially in spiritual difficulties. Believe me He will not let you down. Listen to the Spirit calling you - - -

God bless and peace be with you all.