Just another HC gallery...

WARNING: This is a very modest page. No rare pictures, then. Very nice, still.

This is the picture that set it all for me, back in 1996. Click here to view

Then I guess I was already doomed. There was that image of Paul seeing Juliet as Princess of Ilam for the first time... (do click!) I was trapped and I was loving it.

Earlier, Pauline's ecstatic smile as she listened to Mario Lanza in a song so incredibly cheesy I could not believe I was enjoying the scene, with an even greater smile on my face... (the picture's right here!)

Oh, and that bad chests and bone diseases thing! That one really got me going. Just watch this!

And then we had that wonderful moment of escapism while Paul was enduring John/Nicholas and really losing her virginity... Gina, the amazingly beautiful gipsy!

Of course each of us has his or her own experience of HC, with favourite pics and all... This was just my own glimpse into the Fourth World...

© 1997 tommywebmaster@yahoo.com