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Mystical Musings
So here's the journal part of my webpage. It's a recent additon. Sorry if there's not one everyday but, I'll try.

Saturday, February 5

Well I haven't written anything in a while. Sorry, but two jobs and school sort preoccupy a good portion of my time. Anyway, lots of cool stuff going at the moment- Mardi Gras, Superbowl Sunday, Rodeo coming up soon. I'm not doing any of it. Well, actually I really wanted to go see Maroon 5 at the rodeo, but we'll see. So, I'm thinking about getting a tattoo on my lower back. I really want to get either a butterfly or a fairy, but everyone says that those are too common. Well I don't care I'll get one anyway! &^$##@!!!

Sunday, January 16

So last night I went to this really cool, secret club downtown with some friends. It was really a lot of fun, I've never been to a club like that before. It was kind of small but the music and the people there were great. Well that should be the last of my partying for a while since school is starting on Tuesday. (yay) Back to being responsible. But I usually like spring semesters better. They seem to go by quicker, and there's spring break in between. And after that, it's summer- the best time of the year. Party!

Saturday, January 15

I really love making webpages. There's just something so stimulating about typing in a huge load of mumbo jumbo(html codes) and watching it turn into a cool picture or design or page. It's awesome, I love technology. Which only seems to be getting more and more advanced- I was just talking to my mom today about how amazingly cool it is to be able to listen to a Belizean radio station all the way in Houston, when at the time she was growing up, they were lucky to be able to listen to the radio at all...weird.