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A Collection

A Barren Land

Pink Fairies

Lovers Lost

Love's Spell

Deep Inside


The King's Daughter


My Skin

Spoken From The Heart

A Look At Poetry

For centuries poems have been man's way of expressing his innermost feelings and sharing them with others. We write poems when we are in love, when we are sad, or when we need to vent serious emotion! Great works have also been written in regards to nature, the universe, a person, or an adventure. The fact remains that everything around us that is of great influence inspires us to write. Poetry is a creative and constructive way to communicate your individuality to the rest of the world.

When speaking about poetry it is important to mention the most impressive literary works and the authors of centuries past. Some amazing pieces include The Raven, Poem 712, Anabelle Lee, and The Road Not Taken. Some of the most famous poets of all time include William Shakespere, Emily Dickinson, Edgar Allan Poe, Robert Frost, and Christina Rossetti to name a few.

Although I'm not what you would call a famous poet, I have tried my hand at penning a few witty lines in my day. I have been gracious enough to share my musings with you on the page, you can find them by clicking to links to the corresponding poem to the left. I hope you enjoy the journey into the gray stuff between my ears, feel free to comment anytime.

Think you've got some talent when it comes to pen and paper? Maybe you should try to enter some poetry contests and make some money with that talent of yours! If not then you can always just submit them to a poetry site like I did. It's kinda cool to click a link and see your name and words staring back at you on the screen. Well here's the best site out there,