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Season 1

Season 2

Season 3

Season 4

Other People

Season 1

Note:  First Season Episodes are in alphabetical order cause the original order is unknown.

Abusement Park, Beauty Pagent, Conflict, Economy, Education, (You Can't) Fire Your Family,

Individuality, New Kid, Politics, Sports, Television, Theater, Time.

Abusement Park

File Size What? Notes
babytalk.wav 70.3K Mark: idgywidgybabywannawiggywaggywoo
(or something like that)
This is the first ever appearance 
of Mark's cute baby talk.
boogerbran.wav 405K David: I'm boogie
Mark: I'm noogie
Seymour: I'm snot
All: There's a brand new breakfast cereal your kids will like a lot.
David: it's got bran
Mark: it's got boogers
Seymour: and they'll love it dipped in sugar.
All:  Try a bowl and give booger bran a shot.
David: And to think it was right there under your nose.
Shawn: New Booger Bran from Mucus Mills.
roadkill.wav 350K All:  If your looking grub to feed your hungry bunch
       And your like to find a way to stretch your buck.
Julene: Stretch your buck!
Mark:  There's a great new source of protein 
           And it's found on highway fourteen.
All: Try a rabbit that's been flattened by a truck.
(real audio file)
189K Lyrics can be found here.

Beauty Pagent

If you want to hear a Mark sound from this episode email me with what you want. In other words: I take requests!


File Size What? Notes
nyorbytrain.wav 36.7K Mark:  Is it further to New York or by train?
difference.wav 32.1K Mark: What's the difference between an orange?
orange.wav 843K Mark:  Are you a veteran or a widow of a veteran age 55 to 80?
Do you have a pencil handy?
Do you have any pets or a mailbox?
Can you do this?
What's the capital of North Dakota?
Is it further to New York or by train?
Why do I ask so many questions?
Is it my job?
Does anybody care?
Is anybody watching?
Is this a real commercial?
Is this the address to write to?
Is there anything to write for?
Did I show you the address?
Should I show it to you again?
What's the difference between an orange?
Am I still on?
Is this mic still working?
Is the screen going black?
Dominic: This is the stupidest commercial yet!
Mark: Are you gonna change the cha....
This really long commercial sketch 
is the source of the above two 
quotes that are often used by
Roundhouse addicts.
mrrumaki.wav 149K Mark:  No! Sometime Mr. Rumaki like to hit
helpless dweeb too.  Now try it again.  This time 
with feeling.
This is Mark's wise oriental man character.


File Size What? Notes
wallabee.wav 43.3K Mark: Wallabee Freak, Mom! Wallabee Freak! .
secondverse.wav 98.3K Mark:  Second verse, same as the first.
It could get better but it's gonna get worse.
This rap is from the middle of the song Higher.
(real audio file)
259K Lyrics can be found here.


File Size What? Notes
justareminder.wav 28.4K Mark: This is just a reminder. The first time Principal Bose ever says his catchphrase.
mayonnaise.wav 136K Mark: Mayonnaise helper helps your 
mayonnaise helper makes a great meal.
(Ivan: Oh boy! Mayonnaise!)
This is the only time I can remembering hearing Mark use this voice.
Can anyone come up with another instance?
newagemath.wav 350K Mark:  Feel the healing calmness of 4.
The energizing powers of 12.
Be one with pi.
permanentrecord.wav 189K Mark: That's right
Sid and Mark: This is going on your permenant record.
sexah.wav 350K Mark: Now class, today we begin our study in sex education.
All: Sex! Ah!
Mark: Now I know some of you are feeling uneasy about public discussing sex.
All: Sex! Ah!
Mark: But it's very important we're able to speak freely and openly about S-E-X.
speaker.wav 230K Mark:  Good morning students.  This is your principal speaking. I'd just like to remind you that I will be your speaker for today.  Just a little principal humor there for ya.
All: Very Little.
substitute.wav 84.8K Mark: No need to study or be astute
because in 302 we got a substitute.
This is a wav of Mark's solo from Substitution.
(real audio file)
253K Lyrics can be found here.

You Can't Fire Your Family

File Size What? Notes
cheesetoast.wav 142K Mark: You could say that she has all the depth and intelligence of a piece of cheese toast.  But that would be the cheese toast. It never ceases to amaze me the frequency with which Mark is quoted by other people.
correctsir.wav 65.4K Mark: You are correct sir! Absolutely! Mark as Ed Mcmayonnaise.


File Size What? Notes
shaka.wav 40.3K Mark, Ivan, and Sid:  shakafradanadabra This is supposed to be gibberish, right?
Though it doesn't really just sounds way cool.

New Kid

File Size What? Notes
bus.wav 774K Natalie: Steal a lunch, throw a shoe.
Make jokes about the kid whose new.
Strike a pose, Punch a nose.
Cause on the bus anything goes.
Mark(with others): No no no!
Please don't make me go go go! 
I don't wanna ride the big yellow...
Natalie:  Big yellow, what's the fuss
You're no better than the rest of us.
Learn to fight, learn to cuss.
Sit down shut up and ride the bus!
Mark: NO!
If anyone has a better quality tape of this song it would be appreciated.  Mine is low quality.
glockenspiel.wav 90K Mark: No! I didn't go to band camp!  I don't even know what a glockenspiel is!
newkid.wav 37.6K Mark:  It's just so hard being the new kid.
stop.wav 26.9K Mark: Would you stop doing that! This is here cause it would make a cool error message for a Mark David Windows theme.
(real audio file)
302K .Lyrics can be found here.
(real audio file)
372K Lyrics can be found here.


File Size What? Notes
hearthrob.wav 42.7K Mark: I'm a hearthrob, you're a hearthrob. See, he admits it!


File Size What? Notes
hosewater2.wav 40.3K Mark:  Some people are great at sports, some people are 
good, some people are so-so, and some people really suck 
hosewater. It is to those suckys that this broadcast is
painfully dedicated..
Bre and the Roundhouse House

TV on Trial

File Size What? Notes
fabulous.wav 40.3K Mark:  Fabulous! Mark as Ed Mcmayonnaise.


Sorry, didn't like any from this episode.  If you have any suggestions just email me, I take requests.


File Size What? Notes
dolls.wav 300K Mark:  Now, Baby-Wets-Herself, you dance with Ken 
because he's kind and gentle. And G.I. Jim, you hold the 
Queen's hand because, well, you love her. And, 
and...Barbo, I'll comfort you because you feel separation 
anxiety...from your mother.
Bre and the Roundhouse House


Back to Sounds.

questions or comments to magellica.