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"I want it, you want it, let's do it."-Joey talking to Liz(Great Expectations)

"This goes totally against the Democratic System! "-Joey(Censored)

"Come on Snake. I just want to sit in it."-Joey(Trust me)

"Ya, The Zit Remedy is over man!"-joey(Trust Me)

"Hey, guys, am I a dude or what?"-Joey(Great Expectations)

"Joey Jeremiah, super stud, at her service."-Joey(Great Expectations)

"Hey, you did that on purpose you big dumb jerk!"-Joey(Fight!)

"Snake, we’re gonna have groupies!"-joey(Pass Tense)

"Hey dudes! Ready for fame and fortune?"-Joey(Pass Tense)

"When Joey Jeremiah says he’ll deliver, he delivers."-Joey(Twenty Bucks)

"Hey, I don’t need tricks. What chicks want, I got. Looks, style, and raw animal magnetism!"-Joey(twenty bucks)

"Math has been like ‘The Twilight Zone’ for me this year."-Joey(Taking off:part 1)

"Ya, I think I know where he is…"-Joey(Taking off:part 2)

"Joey Jeremiah, Chairman of the Welcoming Committee at your service!"-Joey(Taking off part 2)

"Guys, this is gonna be one dynamite party!"-Joey(Pa-arty)

"OK Snake, just act 21 and everything will be OK."-Joey(Pa-arty)

"Mom, you were a chick once, right?"-Joey(Bye, bye Junior High)

" This is high school man, big time!"-Joey(New Start)

" Ladies and Gentleman, live, it’s The Barf Bags! "-Joey(New Start)

"Yeah! All right Artie!"-joey(The all Nighter)

"Joey Jeremiah, Mr. Learning Disabled."-Joey(testing123)

"It’s the Ice Maiden’s old boyfriend"-joey(show time part1)

"Just Joey"? Gee I feel special."-joey(show time part 2)

"Ya, space, that can be real unreasonable. I learned that on Star Trek!"-joey(show time part 2)

"Face it Snake! You’re one studly guy!"-joey(Three's a crowd)

"...The guy works for a real record company! And he wants to hear The Zit Remedy! We're in the door!"-Joey(T-T-T Touch me)

"Man you are so nagative..."-Joey(T-T-T Touch me)

"Where do they get subsitute teachers,anyway? The zoo?"-Joey(T-T-T Touch me)

"Yea, Yea, Yea , Party Yea!- Joey (Eggbert)

"Trust me" -Joey (A tangled web)

"Joey Jerimiah, playboy at your service, wanna
play?"-Joey to Stephanie K (Kiss me Steph)

"I'm a compassionate guy"-Joey (Bad blood part 2)

"You bring the money ill make you funny"- Joey
(the Experiment)

"Thanks, paying for college" -Joey (The Experiment)

"Mild, cool, very cool" - Joey (The Experiment)

"You're so flat, the walls are jealous!"-Joey

"Joey F. Jeremiah, Esquire! F for Farmacy at your service..."-Joey

"You can't do this. I've already been tried. I'm

"You can't do this! I'm insane! You can't do this!

I'm insane! No! Don't, please! This is a joke,
right? [ praying ]"

[back in the electric chair] No!

Pat-"It was wild."

Pat-"A perfect example I would say is Muhammad
Ali. I mean, years and years in the ring, bashing
his head. I mean, I know it's part of the job, but
where's the line. Where do you draw the line where
an athlete must stop just to protect his own
physical well being."

Pat-"I would have to agree. I mean, family is
important. And for me I know that if there was
something wrong with my family, it didn't matter
what it was, I would have to take sometime off."

"The other actors are great - I hope they aren't
mad at me for winning."
- Pat Mastroianni,
on winning a Gemini Award at 16

Pat: I guess it's too late but I would have
stuffed the Littlest Hobo and put him in a museum.
I'm so going to get in trouble for saying that but
I loved that dog.

Disclaimer: This is not an offical site, most pictures etc are taken from various sources. I do not get a profit of any sort. If you want any picture removed or want credit feel free to email me. I'm just providing fans with a central source.