
~Win Mattie's Shorts!~ Oops, snooze ya lose. The drawing was held July 1st and some person right now is probably sleeping with his underpants under their pillow. Kidding! Or not.

[Matt & Kathleen in bed]
Matthew Rhys Gives Those Boxer Shorts To Charity
Anna Morrell

Western Mail


ACTOR Matthew Rhys is throwing his underpants at his fans to raise money for charity.

The star of The Graduate is donating the white boxer shorts he wears on stage, signed by himself and co-star KathleenTurner, to a prize draw in aid of Guide Dogs for the Blind. He responded to a request for an item of clothing from Cardiff legal assistant Anthea Guthrie who is trying to raise £2,000 to take part in a trip horseriding across Mongolia for the charity.

In his reply he told her he too was a keen rider and the cause was close to his heart as his mother was a teacher of blind people. He said, "I had to write back to express my admiration on your venture. I wish you all the luck in the world with the fund raising and the expedition itself."

The raffle of Rhys's pants will take place during a 'bandathon' Anthea has organised.

She had hoped to have items of clothes from other Welsh celebrities but despite numerous polite pleading letters to every MP, the WRU and others, response has been limited.

"All I had until Matthew got in touch was a white sweatshirt from Rhodri Morgan which he wore on a half marathon in Cardiff and a scarf and tie from Russell Goodway, Lord Mayor of Cardiff. I was very grateful for them but I guess they'll be the runner-up prizes now!" says Anthea who lives in the Vale of Glamorgan and works for Wendy Hopkins & Co.

Anthea, 48, a keen horserider, is one of only two people in Wales who will take part in the gruelling ride across Mongolia in July.

The 12-day trip will take in six days riding on Mongolian horses, which are about the same size as a Welsh cob, and staying overnight with Mongolian families in traditional 'gers'.

"I have always wanted to do a really good riding trip and where better than in a nation of horsemen?" says Anthea. "The only thing I'm dreading is the food - it sounds like their food is gastronomic purgatory so I'm stocking up on Pot Noodles to take with me on the packhorse."

Her bandathon will take place on July 1 at Clwb Ifor Bach, the Welsh Club in Womanby Street, Cardiff. Bands taking part include The Swiv and Funk Junction.

Anyone interested in sponsoring her and trying their luck for Matthew Rhys' knickers, can contact her at Wendy Hopkins & Co, tel: 029 2034 2233.

©2000 Western Mail & Echo Ltd

E-mail I received from Anthea herself:

lIf anyone would like to win worn, signed pants given to me by Matthew Rhys to help raise money for Guide Dogs for the Blind, please send a donation (payable to Guide Dogs for the Blind please, not to me} to Anthea Guthrie, Broadclose Farm, Moulton , Vale of Glamorgan, Wales CF62 3AB. All names will go into the draw which will take place at the Welsh Club on 1st July. Please don't foret your address. ps the pants were worn on stage in The Graduate and are also signed by Kathleen Turner xxxxxx Antheaxxxxxxx

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