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Name: Gillian
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Dear Matthew: How do you put with living with that emaciated man girl? I bet he makes you go out in the cold to pick up all that prevelant take away. Do you like jacket potatoes? Who is better looking, Alun or Siwan? How come you never mention your mother in every single interview you do? Aren't you proud of your family? I guess someone remembered to cut the cord. How many girls have you slept with? Did you bag Kathleen Turner? What are doing for the holidays. Are you going to don spandex and leg warmers and dance around a bit with a cup of tea. Do you two muck about your tip in only your nighties? Whos head is bigger, yours or Ioans. OK - who's mouth is bigger? Did you sing your heart out a small unknown pub being mobbed by invited guests? Do you have a international fan base of 50. Do you feel that the Welsh flag is sufficient protection from that fan base of 50? What is Ioan's fashion complex? Do you always let him surf you. Do you also make bird sounds in real life? Or just on TV (wink wink). What's up with Ioan's black snaggle tooth.

Name: siwan rhys
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Comments: An Open Letter to Matthew Rhys:

I love your girl Sierra; she's a real babe. This relationship must be causing rifts at home, however, for she is not a homely Welsh girl. Couldn't find a homely Welsh-speaking girl? I mean, she doesn't even have to be Welsh- just proficient in the language. Converastional level- okay. I hear there is a small but proud group of Welsh immigrants living in the mountains of Patagonia. Maybe Ioannie should look in Argentina for a fecund and docile partner interested in raising dirty clucking chickens... What does he want with those chickens anyway? Cockfighting is illegal where I come from. What was it that made you chase after Ioan that day in the playground with the snowballs? Did you see the future Pobol y Cwm star inside of him... or was he just an easy target? How was his mum as a teacher? Did she smack your knuckles with a ruler? Did you like it? Was you face screwed up in painful ecstacy??

Tell me about your family. Does you dad work in the mines? Does you sister fetch hot water and give you a good rub down after a nice bath? - In the kitchen? Ever peaked inside your flat mates bowling bag? Do tell, are ther just a bunch of wadded up tissues and some silver pens?

Are you ever jelous of each other? Is it hard living with the new Barry Boswick of the Valleys-- made for TV movie super star!

By the way, do you guys use napkins?

Is Charlotte Church single?

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