My London: Matthew Rhys

This Is London
October 18, 2001
Charlotte Williamson

How long have you lived in London?
Eight years. I moved from Cardiff to study at drama school.

Where do you live and why?
In Kilburn [with fellow Welsh actorIoan Gruffudd]. There's no particular reason, other than Kilburn was the first place I stayed in London.

If you could change one thing about your street, what would it be?
I'd make it wider. We call it Wing Mirror Alley because when cars are parked on both sides, it's impossible to get down it.

Are you a member of any club?
Soho House, rather embarrassingly, and the King's Gate Dragoons' Club. It's a secret club - I'm afraid I can't reveal anything about it.

What was the last book you bought?
Digging Up Butch and Sundance by Anne Meadows. It's about the myths surrounding the two outlaws and it's really good - I'm halfway through it.

Do you have a local restaurant?
Little Bay in Belsize Road off Kilburn High Road. It's a gem of a place with paper tablecloths and red wine served in jugs. And it's incredibly cheap - £1.50 for starters and £3.50 for mains.

Where would you most like to spend a 'lost weekend' in London?
I'd quite happily spend a weekend in the pubs of Kilburn. They're amazing - the people and the things you hear are pure entertainment.

What keeps you awake at night?
Disputes outside the house about who has the right of way. Some of them are real humdingers.

What's your earliest memory of London?
When I was about seven, I remember coming to London for the weekend with my parents. We went to Trafalgar Square and fed the pigeons with pots of bird seed. I was quite scared because they kept flying at me..

When did you last lose something valuable and what was it?
A few years ago I lost a fishing knife that my grandfather gave me. I'm still sad about it.

What is the most beautiful landmark in London?
The view from Waterloo Bridge in either direction. It's one of the first London landscapes I remember.

And the ugliest?
The Dome - I hate that building.

What's the last film you saw in London and did you enjoy it?
Meet the Parents with Robert De Niro. I loved it - I was howling throughout.

When and where did you last get drunk?
Last Friday I went on an all-day pub crawl round Kilburn with friends - we hadn't seen each other for a long time.

Where is the most intimidating place in London?
Clothes shops like Gucci and Prada, places like that, but I get angry with myself for feeling intimidated. I prefer vintage-clothes shops and second-hand places - I usually look quite scruffy.

What don't you leave London without?
Breathing a sigh of relief. And my keys and wallet.

What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?
I was mugged by a pregnant woman on Kilburn High Road - she took £20. Ioan had this as his answer [in 'My London' last May], which I don't think is really fair as it was actually me who was mugged. Not that I was aware, or anything - I was drunk at the time.

Admit to one thing you've done in London that you've never told anyone before.
I tell everyone everything so I have no secrets - sorry!

When did you last lose your temper?
A few days ago at a parkie in Battersea Park. He was washing his car with a hose from a park tap. I asked if he could fill my dog's bowl with water and he refused.

Where did you last blow £2,000 and what was it on?
In March, I flew my girlfriend out to see me in New Zealand where I was filming The Lost World for the BBC.

What's the first piece of advice you'd give a London tourist?
Buy an all-day Travelcard and mind the gap.

What was the last conversation you had with a London cabbie?
A Jewish cab driver was telling me about Jews who fled to Wales during the Second World War. He was very interesting, actually.

When was the last time you broke the law?
Seven months ago. I got off with a caution. I can't say why - but I did get all my clothes back.

If you were invisible for a day, where would you go in London?
MI5 or the Sanctuary [the women-only spa] - for very different reasons.

Give us your best tip for overcoming depression.
Well, it only really works for me, but I get on a train and go back to Wales.

What's the most overrated thing in London?
The nightlife.

What do you miss most when you're out of London?
The fact that you can get any sort of meal at any time of the day.

Name a song that you associate with London.
There is one that I played to myself the first time I left on a train from Cardiff - 'The Old Main Drag' by the Pogues. It's about a young boy who comes to London from Ireland. I kind of identify with it, except I didn't end up in Leicester Square on heroin.

Which shop could you not live without?
Kilburn Food and Wine Shop. It's open almost 24 hours.

Have you ever been refused entry anywhere?
Yes, it's happened to me countless times. Most recently at the Met Bar, and the Zd Bar on Kilburn High Road.

Have you ever been a victim of violence in London?
Other than the pregnant mugger, no. I've been lucky, I suppose. Kilburn is very fruity but it's all in-house fighting.

What is the most expensive meal you've had in London and who did you eat with?
My flatmate and I took our girlfriends to Nobu. The food was amazing but the amount it cost was enough to remortgage a house.

What's your favourite meal to cook at home?
That's easy: pasta and tomato sauce. I've been cooking it for eight years.

What's your most memorable night out?
It was on my flatmate's birthday two years ago - 6 October 1999 - in Soho.

What and where is your favourite painting or work of art?
I'm not really an art person, but I'm very excited by Steve McQueen. I'm going to his photo exhibition in Chelsea and I might buy something.

What last made you cry?
I'm not a cryer, so I can't remember. Sorry, that sounds heartless.

Where in London would you have your ashes scattered?
The beginning of the M4 so they would hopefully make it back to Wales.

If your house were on fire, which three things would you rescue?
My dog Frank, my flatmate as he'd sleep through it, and my girlfriend if she was there.

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