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List of Zebra covers featuring Massimo

Night Winds
by Gwyneth Atlee
Zebra Books
July 2000

Silver Linings
by Cheryl Biggs
Zebra Splendor Historical
June 1998

Lady Patience
by Annette Blair
Precious Gem Historical Romance #22
May 1999

Wild Highland Rose
by Christine Cameron
Zebra Splendor Romance
January 1999

Innocent Betrayal
by Mary Campisi
Zebra Splendor Romance
May 2000

Back in My Heart
aby Judy Chapman
Precious Gem Romance
October 1997

Silver Wind
by Linda Cook
Zebra Historical
February 2001

Love's Legacy
by Denise Daniels
Zebra Splendor Historical Romance
December 1998

Just One Kiss
by Tina Donahue
Precious Gem Historical Romance
Zebra Books

Come The Morning
by Shannon Drake
Zebra Books
February 2000

Seize the Dawn
by Shannon Drake
Zebra Historical Romance
Kensington Publishing
February 2001

Highland Lady
by Colleen Faulkner
Zebra Historical Romance
May 2001

Destiny's Kiss
by Jo Ann Ferguson
Precious Gem,#8
Zebra Books
January 1999

Warriors Honor
by Georgina Gentry
Zebra Books
September 2000

Destiny's Lady
by Susan Grace
Zebra Historical Romance
May 2000

Forever & Beyond
by Susan Grace
Zebra Historical Romance
January 2001

A Lover's Kiss
by Maria Greene
Zebra Ballad Historical Romance
September 2000

Enchant Me Not
by Michele Hauf
Zebra Historical Romance
February 2001

Reilly's Law
by Elizabeth Keys
Zebra Ballad
July 2000

His Lordship's Swan
by Martha Kirkland
Zebra Regency Romance
Kensington Publishing
April 2001

Lord Nightingale's Triumph
by Judith A. Lansdowne
Zebra Regency Romance
October 2000

A Scandalous Bride
by Selina MacPherson
Zebra Historical Romance
September 2000

Liberty's Bride
by Sandra Madden
Precious Gem
Zebra Books

The Saxon's Daughter
by Tara O'Dell
Zebra Splendor Historical Romance
November 1998

Catherine's Wish
by Joy Reed
The Wishing Well
Zebra Books
July 2000

Miss Chambers Takes Charge
by Joy Reed
Zebra Regency Romance
Kensington Publishing
April 2000

The Last True Cowboy
by Mary Schramski
Zebra Bouquet #40
Zebra Books
March 2000

Apache Angel
by Jackie Stephens
Zebra Historical Romance
January 2001

A Matter of Trust
by Deb Stover
Zebra Bouquet, No.32
Kensington Publishing
January 2000

Lakota Winds
by Janelle Taylor
Zebra Books
May 1999

Here to Stay
by Debra Webb
Precious Gem Romance #251
January 2000

Located Zebra covers so far = 30

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