Hey Rachel,Let's see if I can answer some of your questions...
(1)Where did you get the name Merton J. Dingle? What does the J. stand for?
In one episode I just said, "Merton J. Dingle" and it stuck. I think it stands for "Jenius"! :)
(2)How do you and Merton compare in every day life personalities?
We're both hyper, quirky guys who have spikey black hair and think that Sarah Michelle Gellar is hot!
(3)Do you like black as a every day colour?
I have black hair, and I sometimes wear black shirts, but I wouldn't paint my kitchen black.
(4)What are some of you favorites? (I am making a favorites page on the site and anything that you want people to know what is your favorites is what I need.)
Favorites. Hmmm...I think I need a more specific category, like Favorite Albums or Favorite Sandwiches, etc. Or, you can just put: DANNY SMITH'S FAVORITE THINGS: ALBUMS AND SANDWICHES. :)
(5)Do you like to work with Brandon and Aimee or do they get on you nerves all of the time?
Honestly, both of them are really cool. Aimee is probably prettier.
(6)When will hankworld.com be available again?
There will be an official website for Danny Smith and Danny Grand Prix. I don't know if it will be under "Hankworld" or not. It should be up in a couple of months.
(7)Do you shoot the whole shows inside of a building or do you go outside to do some of the scenes?
Some things are shot outdoors - football games, Tommy as a wolf running around the streets of Pleasantville, etc.
(8)What is your pet peeve?
Noisy eating habits!! I can't stand the smacking sounds! Chew with your mouth closed, people! Also, bad grammar and people who can't spell drive me crazy.
(9)What do you dislike? (I am making a "Danny's worst page" and anything that you want to put in it is what I need.)
I dislike "dislikes" pages. :) Hmm...again, that's a tough one.
(10)Where have you gone in the world outside of Canada?
Many great places, but I'll be travelling to Europe for the first time in a couple of weeks. I can't wait to hit Italy and France - spaghetti and french fries! Oh yeah!
(11)Why was 'Shaft' so bad of a movie?
You just don't mess with a classic.
(12)What is your birthday?
October 2nd.
(13)How old are you? (I have noticed that you don't like to tell but rumor has it that you are 22 almost 23, is that correct?!?) :)
All right. I will finally answer the question that people have been asking me forever. I guess there's really no reason to avoid the question any longer. How old am I? I am 48 years old. :)
(14)Last but not least, what would you like to say to your fans?
Thank you all so much for your letters, and while it does take a long time for me to respond, at least know that I DO read every letter I get and I probably will respond to yours! Also, chew with your mouth closed! :)
Well I hope that does it. Thanks again for everything and let me know when your site is ready!