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Super thanks to Linda and Kristen for contributing photos for this page.

LEFT: The young Greek Royal Family at the Miller townhouse in New York.

RIGHT: MC with her little one.

LEFT: MC with Maria-Olympia and Constantine Alexios, who both appear to be dressed in items from Mommy's clothing line.

RIGHT: The male members of the family gaze at Achileas-Andreas as MC smiles for the camera.

ABOVE LEFT: MC lounges in one of the rooms of her father's townhouse. ABOVE RIGHT: MC with Constantine and a seemingly tense Maria-Olympia.

ABOVE: Maria-Olympia openly protests as MC tries to cajole her into smiling for the camera. BELOW LEFT: A more content Maria-Olympia plays with her rabbit as MC poses with Achileas-Andreas and Pavlos looks on. BELOW RIGHT: Hello! magazine's own fact file of MC.

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This page was created on March 13, 2001 by Alex B.
and all pages on this site are maintained by Alex B.
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