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My thanks to Marie, Linda, Cindy and Kristen for sending pictures!

LEFT-RIGHT: Alexandre and Alexandra Von Fürstenberg pose for a pair of black and white portraits soon after their own memorable wedding in 1995.

CLOCKWISE FROM ABOVE LEFT: Alexandre and Alexandra at her 1920's-themed 21st birthday party held at the Rainbow Room; Alex and Alex at another social occasion; A smiling Alexandra happily sits on her then-boyfriend's lap; Alexandre gives his then-girlfriend a smooch as she beams delightedly.

LEFT-RIGHT: The couple heading to a friend's wedding in the Bahamas; Dressed up with somewhere to go; Alex and Alex at the Tocca Beauty Ball.

CLOCKWISE FROM ABOVE LEFT: A hip and fashionably dressed Alex and Alex at a party for Armani; The couple at another social fete; Alex and Alex at a book party.

LEFT-RIGHT: Alexandre with a pregnant Alexandra; Alex and Alex heading to a friend's wedding in Aspen; A very blond Alexandre wearing a white feather boa (Makes you almost think it's MC).

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This page was created on March 15, 2001 by Alex B.
and all pages on this site are maintained by Alex B.
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