Feedback Form

Hi! Thanks for taking some time out to check out this page. This form is here because I'd like to gather some general information about you. Making this site has been a learning experience, and I'd like to know who my audience is.

I'd also like to find out how I can also improve the site. I am keen to hear any compliments or complaints you have- with pictures sizes, layout, design, content, navigation, etc. Since this is my first web site, I would really appreciate any suggestions you have at making it better.

There aren't many questions on this page, but most of them are required. So if you want to be heard, fill them out. Thank you!

General Information

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If Yes, how would you prefer to be notified? As Part of a Mailing List Individually

Other Information

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If Other Location, where did you find out?

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Site Evaluation

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What Do You Like About This Site?

What Can Be Improved With This Site?

Thank You!

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This page was created on September 6, 2000 by Alex B.
URL: and all pages on this site are maintained by Alex B.
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