Big thanks to Linda for sending me this fab article.

Hello Magazine (April 22,1999)


Q: How were the godparents selected?

Pavlos: "We wanted to have young people who were members of the family who could relate to our son as he grew up, and who would provide spiritual guidance. We selected people from all over Europe so that he would have the widest range of advice in the future."

Q: Among the potential royal godparents, why was Prince William chosen?

P: "Because he was the youngest and would be closest in age to our son. Also it was important to have Great Britain represented as this is where I grew up and was educated, and is also the home of my parents.

"My father King Constantine is godfather to Prince William, and the Prince of Wales is godfather to my daughter Princess Maria-Olympia. William is also great fun and very close to my family. He will, I'm sure, continue to grow up into a mature and hardworking prince prove to be an excellent godfather."

Q: Why was the christening in London?

P: "Because that's where my family home is and it was the most central location for the whole family, which is spread throughout Europe."

Q: Where will Prince Konstantine Alexios be brought up-the US of UK?

P: "In New York where we presently live, and he'll be educated there. Should we return to England, then the Hellenic College in London, where I and all my brothers and sisters were educated, would be a strong option for us."

Q: How did you select the baby's name?

Marie-Chantal: "Constantine is his paternal father and Alexios is a name we were fond of, and the masculine form of my sister-in-law Alexia."

Q: Do you feel that the Kosovo conflict, so near to Greece, somewhat overshadowed the christening?

P: "Yes. We decided that we would only hold a dinner in the evening and cancel the dance that was scheduled, as we felt it inappropriate at this time."

"Instead we contacted the Greek Orthodox Bishop of Albania so we could contribute an amount equal to the cost of the christening to help the refugees in Kosovo."

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