Big thanks to Marie for this article.

From People Magazine's Ten Best-Dressed Issue

Marie-Chantal of Greece

She gets her title from her husband, Greece's Crown Prince Pavlos. But when it comes to fashion, our judges think Princess Marie-Chantal, 29, was born to reign. "Wow!" says plus-size model Emme. "She has great style." Thanks to her Grace Kelly looks and a taste for traditional tailoring, the 5'7" mother of a 2-year-old daughter is the picture of modern majesty. "She is really put together," says Felicity costumer Linda Serijan-Fasmer. "All the right stuff. You can tell she has a lot of money, and she obviously shops a lot in Europe."

Unlike most royalty, Marie-Chantal lives in Manhattan, where her husband, son of deposed King Constantine, works as a fund manager. And though she always dresses properly, her daily life keeps her from going over the royal edge. "She's a beautiful young woman," says Old Navy's Carrie Donovan. "Look how contemporary and great she looks!"

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