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Thanks to Linda for the countless pictures she sent, and to Kristen for sending additional ones to include.

Entering HCP
Entering HCP
At HC palace 1 At HC palace 2 Caption 1 At HC palace 4 At HC palace 3
Prince Chuck
Vic and Willem Marg and Fred
The Von F's
Bulgarians Felipe the Gorgeous
Posing with Parents
Posing with Parents 2
Caption 1
Entering HC 1 Caption Entering HC 2
Reception 4
Reception 1 Reception 3
Reception 2 Caption
Reception 1 Reception 3 Reception 2 Reception 4 Caption

You can also view pictures of The Pre-Wedding Parties, The Start and the Ceremony, The Newlyweds Outside St. Sophia, and The Formal Wedding Portraits.

Go to the Articles Page to see a selection of magazine and newspaper accounts about the wedding and reception.

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This page was created on November 16, 2000 by Alex B.
URL: https://www.angelfire.com/celeb/millers/start.html
and all pages on this site are maintained by Alex B.
© Copyright 2000