Super thanks to Emma for posting this article on the board!

From the NY POST


By Braden Keil

ANOTHER Miller sister has listed her townhouse on the market.

Pia Getty, perhaps the wealthiest of the trio of blond society siblings, has put her townhouse on E. 78th St. between Madison and Fifth on the block. She's asking $16 million for the house she shares with husband Christopher Getty.

The Miller girls, Manhattan's version of the Gabor sisters (minus the multiple marriages) have all managed to marry titled or moneyed men within a short time of each other.

Pia's sister, Crown Princess Marie-Chantal of Manhattan and her husband Pavlos of Greece, have had their townhouse at 154 E. 78th St. listed practically since they bought it.

Unfortunately Marie-Chantal has found it to be quite a royal pain to unload the place she bought last June on spec, hoping for a quick flip. She has since dropped her asking price two times - it's now down to $8.9 million, almost the break-even point. And no takers are in sight.

Now, sources say, the royal speculators have moved into the house.

According to Miller watchers, Pia, who had expressed a desire to move to Great Britain, now wants to stay in the U.S.

"She is selling first and shopping [for a new house] later," says a friend.

But, as sister Marie-Chantal will attest, it's easier said than done. Especially with a big price tag attached.

"That's a ridiculous price they're asking for that place," snipes one broker. "[Pia] will have to lower that figure or she's not going anywhere for a long, long time."

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