Recipies: Tiramisu


For 8 portions

Ingredients: 6 egg whites
6 egg yolks
1/4 pack (60 ml) of sugar
1/4 pack (60 ml) Marsala
1 pot of cheese mascarpone 500g at the temperature of part
1 large package of biscuits Italian "fingers of lady"
2 1/2 cups (750 ml) of coffee extremely cooled
3 C with table (45 ml) of cocoa


30 min / Cooking: none


(In a bowl) Assemble the egg whites in snow closes by adding 2 C to it , table (30 ml) of sugar to support them. Reserve.

Beat the egg yolks, sugar and the Marsala during 2 minutes, add the cheese mascaporne and mix until the mixture is homogeneous. Add the egg whites and fold delicately in the mixture using a rubber spatula. Reserve.Pour the coffee cooled in a dish.

Soak the fingers of lady in coffee 1 second maximum on each side Lay out in a row in a large dish of pyrex of 8 Po (20 cm) X 11 Po (26 cm). Pour half of the mixture on biscuits and spread out uniformly. Deposit another biscuit line soaked in the coffee. Finish with the remainder of the mixture to cheese.

Equalize surface and powder with cocoa to the size.

Cool at least eight hours before tasting.