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Full Name: Amanda Marie Latona

Nick names: Panda, Manda, Boojie

Age: 21

Birth Date: 3/24/79

Astrological Sign: Aries

Height: 5'5.5"

Writes: Right Handed

Pets: A puppy names Vegas...Given to her by A.J. on her 21st B-day

Love Life: Dating A.J. McLean

Amanda's Favs

Song: "Dancing Queen" by Abba, "Brass Monkey" by the Beastie Boys

Food: "Junk" Food

Cartoon: Scooby Doo

Animal: Black Panther

Sport: Football

Drink: Chocolate Yoo-Hoo

Christmas present: Big and Wrapped

Video game: Super Mario Brothers

Color: Black/Lavender/Silver

Car: The Batmobile

Perfume: Curves/Jean Paul Gaultiere/Seaspray

City: Maui

Movie: Happy Gilmore

Sports team: Pittsburgh Steelers

Amanda's Firsts

Album: The Bangles

Concert: New Kids on the Block

Questions with Amanda

Q: Who is the most influential person in your life and why?

A: Definitely my mom. She helps and has a part in everything I do. She gives the best advice in the world, keeps my head clear, has guided me, and still guides me in all of my decision making.

Q: Who is the person you most want to meet and why?

A: Carmen Electra. She is my absolute favorite person. I would love to go shopping with her, go dancing with her, and ask her a million questions. I would love to just site down and copy all of her hairstyles.

Q: What are your hobbies?

A: Singing, dancing, and shopping. I love to do make-up, hairstyles, and put together outfits. I also love to design, decorate, work out, and weight lift.

Q: Who is your hero and why?

A Any person that accomplishes their goals and is a truly outstanding person.

Q: You are stuck on a desert island. What three things would you bring and why?

A: 1) My dream guy. 2) A construction crew to build a mall. 3) A self-help book of how to live comfortably on a desert island

Q: What is your heritage?

A: 50% Italian, 50% Polish

Q: To you, what is the most important thing in a relationship?

A: First of all, it takes me forever and a day to actually get into a relationship. I don't consider dating a guy casually for a week or so a relationship. That's why I think there are too many important things involved. I've only had one relationship that I would actually call a relationship. But I think the reason why the other guys I've been with are sooooo difficult is because of "trust". So actually, trust is the most important. I'm a huge fan of not cheating and being committed (only if I find the right guy).

Q: What musical instruments do you play?

A: I tried violin in the sixth grade, but my teacher smelled too much. I played a little keyboard, but I outgrew it

Q: Describe your wildest fantasy.

A: My God, I don't think you want to hear it!!! But it involves Leonardo DiCaprio.

Q: Describe your perfect Christmas gift.

A: Someone sitting down, thinking about me, and their relationship with me, and then getting me something they think is super special.

Q: What magazines do you read?

A: Teen, Seventeen, Teen People, Shape, Allure, YM

Q: Describe the perfect date.

A: As long as I'm with the perfect person, it's already perfect.

Q: What is the weirdest rumor you have heard about yourself?

A: I haven't heard any yet, thank God!

Odd Stuff

Tooth brush color: "Black/Purple"

Tooth Paste Brand: "Keep changing it"

Boxers or briefs: "Briefs"

Item you couldn't live without: "Food, my wardrobe, cartoons"

Blondes, Brunettes, Redheads, or other: "Brunettes"

Gold, Silver, Platinum, Plastic, or other: "Silver"

Who is your biggest enemy? "The Devil"

What do you like about yourself the most? "Wittiness, uniqueness"

What is your shoe size? "7.5/8"

In one word, describe yourself: "Amanda"

Do you believe in aliens? "Of course, I know some."

What the first thing that come to your mind when I say "McDonalds?" "I'm in love!"

Do you have a license to kill? "The only things I kill are bugs, I hate them."