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Phil's Thankyou

Here are Phil's thankyou's that he has written for all 3 albums. You can find them in the book in the CD cover!

I thought that Phil's thankyou's were really sweet :)

Phil's Thankyou from Telling Everybody - The Album

Firstly, I'd like to thank my two biggest fans - Mum and Dad - for supporting me through good and bad for the last 22 years. Michelle - There aren't many people in this world who can say they have a sister as great as you. To my two 'oldest' fans - Nan and Pop, I love you. To the rest of my huge, loving and above all else crazy family - you don't know how much I appreciate your support - you guys are the best. Thanks to all the friends of myself and my family who have supported us for six and a half years. Kate - I love you more than life itself. To the X-Files gang - it's not just the four brothers - you're ALL tarts and I luf yiouuu! David - you da man! Vicki - for keeping us organised - thanks Molly! Last but not least, to the best guys anyone could hope to know - Andrew, Mike and Toby - I always wanted a brother - now I have three. To anyone I've left off - please understand it is a mistake of my head - not my heart.

Thankyou's from Counting Down and Human Nature are coming soon :)

