2nd Season Episodes

Second Season Summaries:

Season Premire#23-"Timber"

Sam and Brooke are giving a report on their summer vaction. It turns out Kelley Brooke's real mother had showed up. Jane was very stressed out over this. Kelley and Mike kissed. Jane saw and decided to move out. Sam and Jane moved back into the inn. Sam named it crack hore in. Jane believed Mike never loved her. Brooke can't believe her parents kissed. She's hoping they will get back together. Sam gives Brooke the number to their hotel and tells Brooke to have her dad call. Brooke tosses the number out the window. Kelley decides she's moving into town. Sam is horrified and gives Brooke a lecture, "Throughing away that piece of paper is like throwing away me and my mom", "who did you give a mothers day card to last year"! Brooke aplogizes to Jane and starts to cry. Sam talks to Kelley and Kelley decides to move back to San Fransico anyways. Brooke declares she's going too. Sugar Daddy carves Exquiste and his name in the Forever tree. Josh brakes up with Brooke, but they end up together in the end. Ms. Glass is back she plans to cut down the forever tree. Lily and Sugar protest and camp out in the tree. They are constantly tortured by Ms. Glass. They think they won, but in the end Ms. Glass cuts down the tree with half the cast in it. Nikki is kicked off the Glamazon's. She has the knee of a sixty year old woman. She was suppose to have Mary Cherry's knee, but was tricked. Carmen Ferrera gets on the Glamazon's to take Nikki's place.

Episode#24-"Baby, Don't Do it"-

Ms. Glass makes everyone parents with her latest project. Everyone has to take care of a baby doll that's smile determines their grades. Nikki and Mary Cherry hire a nanny who isn't entirely what she seems. She ends up destroying the doll and is a child abuser. Sugar helps patch the dolls up. Sam kidnaps Brooke's doll to try and persuade her to stay. Sugar dresses his doll up like Eminem, and Sam gives hers the ghetto touch. Mary Cherry and Nikki teach the Olsen twins how to be Popular. This backfires on them however. The Olsen twins gang up on them, but Nikki and Mary Cherry win in the end. Sam gives Brooke a touching speech that brought tears to my eyes. Brooke realizes she can't leave. She runs into her house and hugs her dad. Mike says thank you. Sam says your welcome out loud, she is standing outside the window.

Episode#25-"Citizen Shame"

This Episode was full of total maddness! First, Carmen moved in with the McPherson's. Her parents split up. We find out that her mother's abusive and doesn't want her in her life. Carmen starts a search for an apartment. At the end she wants to go back home her mom says no way. Jane finds out she's expecting a baby. She calls it an accident and Sam an accident. Sam is hurt. But, makes up with her mother. Brooke goes out to dinner with her SAT teacher. Her teacher drinks a little to much and hooks her up with some older guys. Brooke decides to leave and has to drive the drunken teacher home. She ends up stealing a car. Therefore she gets arrested. Sam comes to bail her out but can't because she is a minor. Jane ends up saving them both in the end from prison. The teacher was punished. Meanwhile, Ms. Glass came up with a plan to get money off her rich uncle Tippy. She has to pretend she has a family. First she turns to the vice principal but is rejected. Then, Harrison rejects her. Nichole offers to play the part in exchange for 10,000 dollars. Nichole dresses up a Ms. Glasses daughter and meets Uncle Tippy. They do a great job faking the relation untill Lily shows up dressed as Kyle. Kyle was suppose to be Ms. Glass's son. Uncle Tippy is disgusted with Kyle. Nichole and Lily end up sticking up for Ms. Glass in a verbal battle vs. Uncle Tippy. In the end they all end up eating together contently. I have to say despite many of the antics in the Episode, I was nearly in tears when Sam and her mom hugged, and Brooke made up with Jane. I also was teary eyed when Carmen's mom wouldn't let her come home!

Episode#26-"The Sweetest Taboo"

- There's a new kid in town and he's threatening Josh's social position. Josh the schools biggest jock is benched. The new kid takes his spot as quarter back on the football team. This ends up being a big mistake because the team nearly loses until Josh saves the day and gives them a play. The coach starts dating Josh's mom and Josh's mom becomes the guidance counselor at the school. Sam has to right an article on the new kid for the school paper. She trys to pull him a part. He realizes that she see's right through him and doesn't even want to give him a chance. But, he over comes that and manages to be friendly to her anyways. In the end Sam falls for him and asks him out. They end up sharing lockers. Meanwhile in Ms. Glass's science class there was an explotion. Ms. Glass was doing an experiment on baby trees. Lily switched one chemical for H.C. so that it wouldn't kill the trees. The H.C. mixed with another chemical and exploded. The students where required to wear gas masks after that. Nichole tried to regain her Glamazon status by seducing the principle. However it failed. The principle threatened to kick Nichole out for good if the antics continued. Nichole ended up crying on the floor of the bathroom and Josh saw her and tried to comfort her. Mary Cherry got plastic surgery on her lips. They started off huge but shrunk. Sugar Daddy was dreaming about kissing Mary Cherry's new lips. He made a deal with Nikki and Mary Cherry that he would spy on the principle if he could kiss Mary Cherry. They agreed. ABOVE PICTURE TAKEN IN COURTESY OF CARLYPOPE.COM

Episode#27-"Joe loves Mary Cherry"

- This was a really cool episode of Popular! Nikki and Harrison team up to switch around the partners for one of Ms. Glass's crazy experiements. Josh and Lily end up hooking up at Funky Town the local skating rink. Mary Cherry sets up a party there to get money for the twins to be spilt up with. The decide to stay together in the end because they both love Carmen. Mary Cherry gets to work with Harrison her dream man. We find out that Mary Cherry nicknamed Harrison, Joe because she was trying to re-invent him. Harrison on the other hand has a major league crush on Sam. He realizes that he can never make her love him. So he ends up dancing/skating with Mary Cherry. Sam thinks that Brooke is after George and gets crazy. But, she ends up getting a little action with him in the end. Meanwhile, Mike and Jane begin to take a step towards each other. Brooke becomes angry at Nikki for breaking Josh and her up. Nikki thought that her popularity was at risk if Brooke dated Josh. Brooke was the only reason Nikki was popular. But, in the end Brooke tells Nikki off. Nikki is left alone, forced to confront the fear of being unpopular....... She ends up crying in shame and fear. I have a feeling this isn't the last were going to see off Nikki's downfall!


- Instead of a regular episode this week, we witnessed the merging of two of the best teen dramas on tv. (Unfortunately Grosse Point is moving to the WB Sunday night,NNNNNNOOOOOO) But, anyways Leslie Bibb and Carly Pope played volley ball at the WB's beach party. Courtney and one of the guys faced off against Leslie Bibb and Carly Pope. They held their own very well. Courtney became compulsive and set on winning however. Unfortunately Grosse Point beat Popular but, it was their show anyways. It was sort of neat to see the casts, or part of the casts interact. It was a pretty good episode all and all.

EPISODE#28-"Style and Substance Abuse"

- Bobby Glass discovers Carmen has no place to stay and is sleeping at the school. She was suppose to move in with the McQueen's but the extra room they had was going to be a nursery for the baby. So, Ms. Glass took Carmen in. She also began mannaging her homecoming queen campain. The nomminees for 2000 homecoming queen are............. Mary Cherry, Nichole Julian, Sam McPherson, and Carmen Ferrera. Sam dress's up to impress George. However he is allergic to her perfume. Nichole and Mary Cherry agreed to be positive during the campaining. Yeah Right! Hellacious Acres comes back from Bobby Glass's past to haunt her. There is random drug testing at the school because of the death of a student. Lily and Josh are hooked on cough syrup. They use Harrison's urine instead on Josh's when the drug testing hits the football team. However Josh still did not pass. Brooke McQueen got glass's and decided not to run for homecoming queen. Instead she ran for student council president and was pro drug testing, while Harrison opposed it. April Tuna gave an interesting alien speech. My bet is that Brooke has got the president position in the bag.

EPISODE#29-"Style and Substance Abuse Part 2- Urine Trouble"

Mary Cherry and Nichole lose against Carmen for homecoming queen. Carmen moves back home and talks to her mom. Sam discovers Harrison has cancer. Hellicaous gets dissed by Bobby Glass. Brooke wins as president. At the end Sam takes Harrison to the hospital after admitting he has luekimia. Josh and Lily have to watch the autopsy of a student on drugs.

EPISODE#30 -Misery Loaths Company

Harrison is in the hospital getting treatment. He totally lashes out at everyone that comes to visit him. He hates his roomate at first because he's so into god and angels. After a while they develop a friendship. Sam is held hostage by Mary Cherry who is willing to pay her $5,000 dollars to write a book blackmailing her mom. Carmen gets trapped but then breaks free. Sam suggests Mary Cherry write a card to her mom describing how she feels. Mary Cherry aggrees and lets her go. Sam buys golf clubs for Harrison to make him feel better. But she shows up at a bad time, he's upset because his roommate has been taken away. Sam and Harrison hug. Brooke gets so upset over the speech Harrison gave to her, she over eats and then throws up in the bathroom. Her father hears her and checks her in at an eating disorder clinic. Sugar is there trying to learn to eat healthy so that he can lose weight. The two quarrel a bit but end up friends again. Nichole actually shows up to visit Harrison in the hospital.

EPISODE#31-"Are You There God, It's Me Ann Margret"

- The school play this year is going to be rather interesting. Lily and Josh think that they have to appear naked. So they tried to "grow" in three days. Lily takes pills and Josh uses some solution. In the end they end up realizing how stupid they were acting thanks to Sam who plays a shrink. Josh and Lily got to wear costumes in the play but ended up taking them off. When they did Sam fainted. Harrison see's "God" in the hospital. He askes her if his friend is going to be okay. She makes him better for one night....in which Harrison, Brooke, and his friend go skateboarding. Nikki and Carmen check into a group for abusive parents. Nikki just checks in because she thinks the guys hot. She steals money from Carmen and Carmen gets her back by ripping her shirt and neckless off in which she paid for using Carmen's cash. Nikki is left standing there with nothing on except her bra....however she overcomes the embarrassing situation and walks out proudly.

EPISODE#32-"The Consequences of Falling" aka "It's A Wonderful Popular"

- Oh my god this was the best episode of Popular in the world! Harrison finds a bone marrow doaner its Nichole! Harrison says he wants to die and Clarwence who is now an angel shows him what his life would have been like if he didn't exist. April Tuna would own the town. Brooke McQueen would be dead. Sam would marry an abuse husband. Jane and Mike would split. Mary Cherry and Sugar would become whores. Sugar Daddy would become a pimp. Lily would become a snotty rich mother. Josh would destroy the world. So, what would life be like with Harrison. FUTURE: He would marry Sam and they would have a child. He realizes at the end that he wants to live. When he wakes up all his friends are there singing Christmas carols! Then Nikki made her announcement!

EPISODE#33- "Fire In The Hole"

- Sam wants to have sex with George. She gets her room all fixed up with candles and puts his picture next to her bed. George tells Sam he doesn't want to do it just yet. He leads her to believe he's a virgin. Ms. Glass decides she is going to put on a play for STD week. She assigns everyone a disease to play. Sam however, gets to be a hooker. Harrison gets to be a virgin. Lily and Josh decide they are going to wait to have sex, however Josh goes to an STD clinic to get tested and meets up with George. George and the guys plan to buy Harrison a prostitute to help him lose his virginity after he makes a dramatic return. George suggests "Candy Box". Meanwhile Sam tells Brooke that she wants to know what guys want. So, Brooke shows her one of her fathers proun videos. Brooke tells Sam she should be aggressive. So, Sam grabs George by the neck of his shirt and pushes him down, trying to force herself on him. George says they should make a date. Sam suggests next week. George agrees that they will have sex the following week. Meanwhile, during play practice Sam sings "The Lady Of The Night." She finds out George isn't a virgin and flips out. Then, she goes to the Sam prostitute that Harrison was visiting. Sam interviews her and see's if she recognizes George's picture. She did not. Harrison's hiding in the closet the whole time and he hears Sam say he's special and cute. Then, she leaves and Harrison realizes he can't make out with Candy Box. The next night they put on the play. Harrison gives a speech about being a virgin that changes alot of people's minds about sex. (sam) Mary Cherry gets red spots all over her from a bad reaction to the wool costume and think's she caught an STD from Nichole. After the play George tells Sam he passed his STD test and so, did Josh. He finally wants to "do it" with her. Sam says they should wait. George agrees. Ms. Glass smiles realizing her play was successful.


- Harrison pretends to be possesed by Nichole's bone marrow. He's really doing it to get attetion. He speaks in tongues, latin, and even through's up on a priest. However, his new attitude doesn't phase his best friend Sam. She proves he wasn't really possesed. Harrison makes up with Sam for they way he's been acting. They hold hands. Nikki's birthday is coming up. She recieves cash from Mary Cherry and a psyic reading from Brooke. Nichole finds out she's adopted. They go find Nikki's real mom. Nikki finds out she's dead. She cries and Brooke supports her. Sugar Daddy gets jealous that Josh spends all his time with Lily. They get in a big fight. SD starts hanging out with George. Josh gets jealous. SD and Josh make up, it was really cute!


- Mary Cherry loses all her money and fame because her mother is in debt. She takes a job in the school cafe but gets fired. She trys to turn in cans to get money. She comes to school dressed in a plastic bag and Lily helps her. Mary Cherry however, doesn't realize what charity is until the end. (I almost forgot the best part, she dumped a whole thing of sauce all over Nichole.) Carmen and Sam try to save the yearbook. They decide to give makeovers to the less fortunate. Which leads April to believe they are friends. Harrison trys to teach Brooke how to relax a little bit. However, Brooke ends up making a move on Harrison. They agree to go out on a date. Sam finds out and gets all jealous. She walks in on Brooke about to kiss Harrison because Mike McQueen wanted to have a picture taken of the two of them. Sam takes the picture purposely to interupt the moment. Harrison turns around and looks at Sam with the most guilty expression. Brooke looks at the picture after it gets developed. She realizes that Harrison loves Sam. Brooke and Harrison decide to just be friends.

EPISODE#36-The News Of My Death Has Been Greatly Exaggerated

-April Tuna is pronounced dead but really not. So, everybody reflects on their regrets. Sam finds an old email from Harrison. Harrison confesses his feelings for her through the email. Sam is in shock, but to me she looked flattered. Harrison also sent an email to Nichole saying what a bitch she is. Nichole finds out the lunch lady is her mother. Harrison asks Sam to choose between him and George. Sam looks like she's going to choose him, but ends up choosing George. Then, Harrison declares an end to their friendship. I'm expecting something major to happen very soon, they can't just stop being friends!



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