~*~Bump'im Stickers & License Plates~*~

~*~Bump'im Stickers & License Plates~*~ Some of the gang and I over at the RiChArD DaWsOn ExPeRiEnCe Yahoo! club have come up with these. Not Bump'er as in Bump Her, but Bump'im, as in Bump Him. Get it? If you wanna submit a sticker or plate, just eMail me and I'll make it and put it up if I think it's a good one. Feel free to take some to put on your site but link back to my main page at:

Take me home, mate!

Last Updated: 16 October 2001.

Bump'im Stickers

License Plates

Richard Dawson Lover

Lil' Darlin'

Dawson Kisser

Pucker Up

Peter Newkirk

Survey Says

Good Answer

Cadre 1


Damon Killian

Running Man

Email: philhartman49@aol.com