~*~Richard Dawson Quotes~*~

~*~Richard Dawson Quotes~*~
~*~Richard SAYS!~*~

Take me home, mate!

'Ello! Here are a bunch of quotes I gathered from Richard's many appearances on Tv. They are currently in sections by shows, so they're easier to manage. Enjoy, and Viva La Richard!
Last Updated: 22 June 2001.
eMail me at RichardDawsonFan@aol.com or PhilHartman49@aol.com
for comments, suggestions, additions, etc.


FF = Family Feud
MG = Match Game
HH = Hogan's Heroes
DB = Devil's Brigade
RM = Running Man
DVD = Dick Van Dyke
( ) = Things said by other people
[ ] = My own fill-ins
Others are described


Hogan's Heroes Quotes

Match Game Quotes

Family Feud Quotes

Dick Van Dyke: Racy Tracy Rattigan Quotes

The Running Man Quotes

Other Richard Quotes

Email: RichardDawsonFan@aol.com