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My Fave Photos  
~*~My Favourite Photos~*~

Ah, to have more of THIS in the world! Honestly, what could be cuter??
Ah, to have more
of THIS in the
Honestly, what could be cuter??
Gotta LOVE that shirt! My favourite face!
Gotta LOVE that shirt! My favourite face!
Just plain cute! I LOVE this hair!
Just plain cute! I LOVE this hair!
Adorable! Hot-Hot-Hot!
Adorable! Hot-Hot-Hot!
The perfect advertising method! Sexy Drag Man!  Who else looks this good in drag??
The perfect 
"Sexy Drag Man"
Who else looks
this good in drag??
Doctor Feelgood, haha! Damon is the MAN!
Doctor "Feelgood", haha! Damon is
the MAN!
Look at that widdle nose! Newkirk lookin' snazzy in a German uniform.
Look at that widdle nose! Newkirk lookin' snazzy
in a German uniform.
Couldn't you just cuddle him to pieces?? Love that plaid!
Couldn't you just
cuddle him to
Love that plaid!
*Sizzle!!* Young and Yum!
*Sizzle!!* Young and Yum!

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Last Updated:  11 October 2000.
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