[Unless otherwise noted, all the text on this site is written by Susan Brown, and copyrighted. All rights are reserved on all material, on all pages of this site. Usage by others, in terms of reprints, quotations, etc. must be credited to Susan Brown. ]

Note: Please read to the end for Darva's own reaction to this story
According to the New York Daily News, 9/17/00, Darva and Geraldo have been dating, convulsing pundists and comics alike:
Jay Leno, 9/19: "Did you hear--? Darva Conger is dating Geraldo Rivera! Wow, she's dating the one guy sleazier than Rick Rockwell! Geraldo Rivera dating Darva Conger; and Geraldo thought AL CAPONE'S vaults were empty!";
Jim Dunham, Alabama Live, 9/21: "...nobody can hardly believe that two people so utterly creepy can somehow seek each other out, wallow in each other's shallowness and call it a relationship....";
Rick Rockwell, 9/23: "Darva dating Geraldo is perfect. Any time I can pimp for Geraldo, I am a happy man."

The Star tabloid [10/3/00] is congratulating itself, for having reported this story first,-- last August,-- having spotted the sizzling attraction between the two, during Geraldo's interview of Darva on his CNBC show during her July Playboy promo tour. An insider reports that he'd used his famous charm on Darva, inviting her out to dinner.
Many have joked that this time, Darva will be marrying a "real" millionaire; but the point has been made that Geraldo must first finalize his divorce with his wife of 19 years, C.C. Dyer. Geraldo had once again messed up, by being unable to be faithful. NOT a surprise to long-time Geraldo-watchers,--like yours truly--long irritated at Geraldo's "holier-than-thou" criticisms of various other famous unfaithful husbands ( like Prince Charles ), ever since HE became a "born-again" monogamist. [ HA! I KNEW it wouldn't last! ] Even Geraldo, himself, has finally admitted to himself that he is unable to be faithful, vowing to never marry again: "I'm a very good boyfriend; I'm a good father; I'm a very bad husband." The four-times-wed Rivera has always had a hard time resisting extramarital temptation, and feels "very bad about it. It's very embarrassing to me, very humiliating to me." Marrying a woman who'd accept his infidelities, then, is no option? He'd only feel guilty, anyway? Sad. Still, he might've lucked out with Darva--as it is suspected that she fears marital committment, herself. Despite her sometime-avowals to someday marry, Darva has LONG ducked marriage! Many of her relationships ( prior to Rick Rockwell ) ended, due greatly to HER fears. Therefore, her attraction to the marriage-shy Dennis Klifman, and playboy types, such as Geraldo ( and THE original Playboy, himself, Hugh Hefner! ) is understandable; such a man will not expect, nor push her into anything permanent. ( One wonders, also, if Rick Rockwell, too, despite his very public committment to marry on national TV, has likewise been shackled by fears, ergo his still-single status? Becoming involved heavily with the wrong woman--time and again-- provides Rick with the pleasure, warmth and happiness of a long-term relationship, BUT with a built-in obsolescence point, ergo providing him an excuse to pursue ever more new relationships? )

In any case, The New York Daily News, 9/20, has retracted their story: "Contrary to a report in last Sunday's Insider column, Geraldo Rivera, the television personality, is not dating Darva Conger, who briefly married a millionaire. The News is happy to set the record straight."
There was a plentitude of witnesses. Note the wording: "...IS not dating..."; All that says to me, is that Geraldo is not willing to date her ANY LONGER, being unwilling to be the butt of Darva-jokes; and she'd rather just deny it completely, rather than admit to being dumped. I surmise that Geraldo, meanwhile, doesn't want to soil himself, thus spoiling his chances with other women he's got his eye on. One is none other than Barbara Walters!
On The View, Monday, 9/25, Geraldo surprised her by popping out of her birthday cake! He proceeded to flirt with the 69-year-old, relating his fondest memory of Barbara: the time in 1977 ( "when I fell in love with you." ); they were on asssignment together in Panama, shortly after her multi-million-dollar accession to ABC News; she was there as anchor; he was there as correspondant. But instead of putting his efforts into getting an interview with the General heading the country, he'd tried to get her to go to dinner with him! "So I put in all my moves--I figured: 'Panama; salsa; it's my turf...'"; but she'd gently turned him down. Next thing Geraldo knew, SHE dined with the General, and snagged the very interview he'd sought! "But I've loved her since." In 1976, when B.W. had become the first woman Super-Anchor, many in the business had seethed with resentment, but "...to me, Barbara was always a sexy, sensual woman, and that's how I always saw her, and that's why she never intimidated me." ( unlike his chauvenistic collegues! )

Queried as to his reported intentions to run for Mayor of N.Y., [ Barbara jokingly asking, "And do I get to be First Lady?" ] he says, "I'm considering it; but there's a big difference between considering it, and running." He's "troubled by" the current Mayor, Giuliani, who has "emotionally segregated the city; and I really want to bring the city back together."
Joy asks him about reports that he's dating Darva. He replies, "I have never met Darva Conger."
Joy [sarcastically]: "Sure!!!"
Geraldo: "That's the problem: my own MOTHER says 'Sure'! But I have never physically been in the same room with Darva Conger." [ WHAT?!?!?? I guess the interview was accomplished via remote TV. But there WERE insider reports of dates! Bluffing well, here, is the key.] Pursued further, he insists: "Darva Conger was so-o 15 minutes ago; I REALLY am not..."; then Barbara rescues him with the "Question of the Day": "Would you live next to your ex?": He answers that he DOES still stay at the N.J. estate he shares with C.C., for his weekly visits with their kids; [ well; that's so, for the time being: The couple's estate on the Jersey Shore has been put on the market, and Rivera is buying a townhouse in the city for Dyer and their two daughters. "The children and I are moving back into the city," says Dyer. "I don't want to be a single woman living in the suburbs." ]
Geraldo admits that he HAS "a special someone; but I don't even want to bring THAT public; I'd rather people visualize me dancing on the bar at 'Hars and Heiffers'." [ Why's that, Ger? So that available, desirable women won't think you're tied down? And it's "Hogs and Heiffers"--not "Har"; likely you thought that short for "Harley Davidson," as "Hog" pertains to motorcycles, ergo bikers, as presumedly, "Heiffers" pertains to ranches and farms, ergo "country" ( Please let all readers observe this, lest one presume to ever refer to any of the patrons and/or performers in a derogatory way! ). The country/biker bar is famous for it's collection of bras hanging from the ceiling, most of which are simply taken off, and tossed into the rafters, spontaneously, by enthusiastic patrons.
There are even celebrity bras: in 1995, Julia Roberts donated a black Maidenform "Rendezveus," 34 B. Drew Barrymore once tossed her bra to the rafters, then danced topless on the bar; and Harrison Ford danced with a bra atop his head! But at one time, the place was closed down temporarily, due to patrons dancing on the bar. Sanitary and safety reasons, I guess.
And you REALLY want people to picture you like THAT, Geraldo? And you actually think Darva is "not good enough" for YOU?:
"I've done a lot of things I'm embarrassed about, but dating Darva Conger is not one of them."
Pu-leaze, Mr. Hypocrite! Of course he did reveal most of his blushers in his autobio "Exposing Myself." Like he has the chutzpah to criticize Darva! ]
Meredith points out that that is the problem with running for Mayor; his private life is laid bare.
Geraldo: "I don't really have any skeletons in the closet. My only skeleton is that I never scored with YOU," as he hugs Barbara.
She responds warmly, "Don't we look good together?"
Says he: "Once you 'go brown,' you can't turn around!"

Well! So is all this just a bluff, Geraldo, your telling her you'd always wanted to date her? She might well take you up on it! Of course, the purpose of all of this flirtation, is perhaps to distract from further discussion of you and Darva?

And I DON'T believe that he NEVER wanted Darva! Geraldo has rarely met a woman he DIDN'T want to bed.

Actually, Geraldo may be EXACTLY what Ms. Walters needs! According to sources--including her ex-hubby [ in Star 10/10/00 ], B.W.'s workaholic habits have kept her lonely. She hasn't been in a serious relationship in over a year, sez a NY City society insider. "Barbara is married to her work. She has no time for love." Her first hubby, Robert Katz, sez Barbara was "cold," and that "she has trouble showing affection." Still, her roster of men have included two more husbands, Lee Guber and Merv Adelson; and she dated Dr. Ed Kantor, Judge Milton Mollon, lawyer Roy Kohn, and Senator John Warner ( Liz Taylor's ex ). Maybe these men just haven't brought out the tigress in her! A hot tamalé like Geraldo would be more FUN, definitely! And HE could benefit from being with a more intelligent, mature woman.

( Honestly, C.C. was a dope. If fidelity was SO important to her, she shouldn't have married HIM! Then--he DID promise to change. But you have to consider the man's life-long rutting habits. The busy Ms.Walters could simply ENJOY him occasionally, without having to go to the effort of maintaining a marriage. HE could continue his "free" ways, as he's NOT suited for marriage. They could thus have a rewarding relationship on a limited basis such as this. )

So: Barbara and Geraldo: Just DO it. But I guess flirting, without following through is more fun? **Shrug**
copyright ©2000 Susan Brown

FOLLOW-UP 10/4/00

Did anyone notice Geraldo's talk show missing from CNBC the week of 9/25-29? Perhaps it WASN"T just NBC wanting that time slot for some extra Olympics coverage?
It transpires that, following his appearance on The View,--where he'd discussed his bid to run for Mayor--NBC issued Geraldo a notice, dated 9/27: "We cannot allow a political figure--which you have become--to work on our news reports. We need to suspend your participation in the documentaries, until you reach your decision [ of whether or not he'll enter the mayorial race ]." NBC News vice president David Corvo said that he was engaging in the sort of politcal activities that NBC news employees cannot pursue. Corvo said that it was feared there'd be a perception that Geraldo's objectivity would be affected. "It was never some kind of squeeze play to get rid of Geraldo. His documentaries have always been first rate."
Geraldo told Entertainment Tonight, in an exclusive TV interview: "NBC news felt--and I agree--that you couldn't be a politician and a newsman at the same time....I didn't think I was being a politician. I just thought I was exercising my First Amendment Right [ of Freedom ] of Expression. But they disagree." He says that he hadn't planned to decide on whether to run, until next summer, but the suspension--and his current divorce proceedings-- expedited his decision. "Rather than to get into a knock-down, drag-out fight with NBC, I'd rather give up my political ambitions for now."
To TV Guide [10/14], he says that he hasn't given up all hope that someday, he MIGHT run. He wants to be involved in New York's future. For the present, because of a lag in Latino voters, he pledges to "commit up $1 million of my own money for a voter registration drive. And if NBC objects to that, I'll quit."
copyright ©2000 Susan Brown


Darva has stated that she never met Geraldo, let alone ever have dated him--that she'd been several hundred miles away, via satellite the first time she was on his show, and a few thousand--from California, during the second. On Darva's new website, she refutes the many rumours plaguing her. Please connect to her webpage to read in her own words:
Darva's Rumour Rebuttal PageArchive version:Darva's Rumour Rebuttal Page

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