Author asks for YOUR help, and personal stories, in completing a book commemorating The Queen's 50th anniversary on the throne

I am compiling a book in honor of Her Majesty,the Queen's upcoming Golden Jubilee. It is to be a collection of stories and anecdotes of various people's memories and experiences of Her Majesty's Coronation Day, and I would like to ask for the public's participation; Wanted are photos, of the Procession, but especially also of the people,themselves--in the crowd, watching, waiting for the bus or train, and even of the crowds that had been stranded behind the opaque wooden barriers, unable to see anything!!I want such photos, to help illustrate stories that I already have,(and would also appreciate one of an old lady surrounded by many children,for one such story); Wanted are personal stories, whether they were watching on television, or from the bleachers, or from a house, flat, or office building, or if they were one of the police guards on duty that day, etc.; and if they'd had any difficulties that day. What struck me,in reading people's accounts, was how difficult a time many of them had had, what with the rain, the long train and bus trips for people living far away, and indeed, some stuck behind the wooden barricades; yet so many people came away feeling very positive, and happy with their monarchy. I'd like to recapture that spirit in this book.

Appreciated would be any photocopies of newspaper or magazine articles to be used as research (as it is difficult to obtain these in the U.S.A.).

Also any original poems,verses,or songs (new or vintage) celebrating that day. (If any contribution,- --photo,story,or poem,--- is pre-published, please include the author's name, and the name of the publisher,so that reprint permission can be obtained).

Contributions will be aknowledged on a page in the book.

Please contact me via the e-address: QMitten@aol.com

Email: RickandDarvaGossip@yahoo.com
Email: QMitten@aol.com

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