[Unless otherwise noted, all the text on this site is written by Susan Brown, and copyrighted. All rights are reserved on all material, on all pages of this site. Usage by others, in terms of reprints, quotations, etc. must be credited to Susan Brown. ]

Shortly after midnight, on Sunday, July 23, after Rick had finished a show at the Westward Ho Entertainment Complex, in Grand Forks, North Dakota, he'd suffered a humiliating--and painful--assault by a "fan."

Rick had briefly spoken with the young man, had given an autograph, and gone to his motel room. Sadly for Rick, it was not an enclosed hotel, but a motel, with outdoor access--and no security. It being a hot night, Rick stripped off his clothes, and lay naked on the bed, making phone calls, etc.
But the "fan" had followed Rick to his room, and gathered a number of people just outside Rick's door. Rick reported that this man was drunk, and was loudly talking to "other drunk friends." He could hear them saying things like: "Look! There's the millionaire! Look! He's naked!"
"They were looking through the window; and that's illegal," complained Rick, who'd fruitlessly called management. No one was in, so he called the police, who took far too long to arrive.
[ At this point, Rick should obviously have put SOMETHING on; or rushed to block the window!! Hello?? ]
The man and others began pounding on the door, and shouting. After awhile, Rick was fed up, and went outside--still barefoot, but wearing pants--to confront the drunk.
[ Bad move Rick. ] Having again called police, Rick tried to detain the man by holding his wrist, but the man wriggled free, by shrugging out of his coat, and stomping and pivoting on Rockwell's toe, he fled into the night.

His toenail torn off, Rick was in agony. The cops finally arrived, and Rick was transported to the hospital via police car. Some witnesses, seeing Rick being helped into a police car, told the media that Rick had been arrested, which was refuted by police, and by Rick:
"Probably people saw him getting into a squad car, and thought he had been arrested," said Grand Forks Police Sgt. Kevin Kallinen.
""You don't sit in the front seat if you're arrested," said Rockwell.

Rick spent 3 hours in the emergency room at Altru Hospital. He reported that even through three pain blocks, he was STILL in agony as they cleaned the wound. [ The only thing worse would've been for E.R. Nurse Darva Conger to have been the attending nurse!!! ] Finally bandaged, Rick tried to get some rest before he had to DRIVE all the way to his tour's next stop in Chisholm, Minn., that very Sunday!!

Following up the investigation, Grand Forks Police Capt. Gerwin Kjelstrom questioned a suspect that had been identified as the one. But the suspect said that he wasn't around the Westward Ho entertainment complex on that Saturday night.
People who'd attended Rick's stand-up comedy act had provided police with the name of the suspect.
More investigation will be needed before any charges are made, Kjelstrom said. Police are treating the incident as an assault.
* * * * * *


I managed to speak with one witness, who prefers to remain anonymous:
"I was not drunk," says our mystery lady. "I was walking along to MY motel room, when these guys said to me, 'Hey, you want to look at a naked millionaire? Rick Rockwell is in that room!'; Well, that caught my attention, because I DO like Rick, and think he's so SEXY! So of course, I wanted to see. I was worried, though, that it was just a scam. Sure, while I stared, transfixed, through the window, they'd steal my purse? So I was cautious.
But I bent, peered through a crack in the window covering, and saw--HIM. YOW!! It WAS Rick Rockwell, NAKED, and lying on his bed!!! He looked GREAT!!!

"He was talking on the phone, and made no move to cover himself. I got caught up in staring at him, and these guys said, 'You really want him, don't you?' Well, of course I did! But I really hadn't expected what came next: they started pounding on his door, calling, 'Hey, Rick, this lady WANTS you!!!' and 'Hey, Rick, she's HOT for you!!!' Well, since it was true, I wasn't as embarrassed as I ought to have been.
"Suddenly, Rick leapt up, pulled on a pair of pants, and stormed out --bare chest, and I guess bare feet, too,--and started chewing these guys out. He looked at me, saying something scolding, like: 'Aren't you ashamed of yourself?' I shrank away, REALLY embarrassed. I beat it. I missed seeing that guy step on Rick's foot, but I could hear the shouting as I'd run away.

"I'm REALLY sorry he got hurt; but I've never seen those guys before in my life, and wasn't drunk. I gave as good a description as possible to the cops; but I bet I wasn't much help. I was too busy staring at Rick to notice much else."

Our sympathies to you, Rick. And to our poor, lovelorn mystery lady.

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