[Unless otherwise noted, all the text on this site is written by Susan Brown, and copyrighted. All rights are reserved on all material, on all pages of this site. Usage by others, in terms of reprints, quotations, etc. must be credited to Susan Brown. ]

According to The News of the World, 6/18/00, Prince William's choice, St. Andrew's University in Scotland, is also known as "St. Randy's" by the students, due to all the sex and booze parties! Gary Paterson, editor of the University mag, says: "Lots of sex and more booze than you can handle--that's life at St. Andrew's. The girls are always up for it."
Undergraduate Natalie Hancock, 20, says students "get their kit off at the drop of a hat."
Diana Bandy, 20, added: "People are naked here all the time. You see guys and girls here with no clothes on as often as you see them in clothes."
Students in St. Andrew's bars tell of 3-in-a-bed orgies, naked streaking through the streets, strip shows in bars and restaurants, and outdoor romps on the famous golf course.
Yeah, Baby! Swing!
As an Austin Powers fan ( complete with Union Jack waistcoat, emblazoned with the catch-phrase "Groovy, Baby!" ), and given his own flings in London's nite spots, William ought to fit in nicely.

However, as the oldest University in Scotland, St. Andrew's ranks alongside Oxford and Cambridge in academic excellence. Wills will be judged on an equal basis with everyone; he can't expect to slide by on his good looks and Royal title. But Wills has voluntarily chosen to eshew his HRH title, and being called "sir," showing that he prefers to be accepted on equal terms. That down-to-Earth act has given hope to Royal-watchers. But William ought to be ever-mindful that he IS watched; and cannot ( unlike the other students ) get away with behaviour of the sort that had lately shocked the nation: video of Wills having sex with a girl at a London club. That would be something that would cause a riot of criticism, if anyone but William, the Golden Boy had done it! But media, fans, and the Royal Family themselves have too much invested in William, "The Saviour of the Monarchy." The incident was soft-pedaled as "youthful indiscretion."
Well, that line will work, until he is 30 years old. What then? But then, Bill Clinton is over 50, and people excuse HIM! I guess if people are desperate enough, and the leader talented/smart/charming enough, they will excuse anything. It bodes ill, if he presumes that attitude will always prevail. There's a risk of Wills becoming spoiled rotten, all because they prefer him over his "randy, immoral" father, Prince Charles. But Wills could go worse, if people don't wise up. Prince Charles at least has the true talent and experience to be King. Wills doesn't even want the job, and might well be attempting to ruin his own image to escape from it.

I hear that a number of people have been laying bets for years on when and with whom Wills will have his first illegitimate child. Wills may prefer to put off the day that he takes on official Royal duties; but until then, it's his duty to look after his image. Being responsible is something that he is NOT too young for. Even if he doesn't want to be King, he still needs a good reputation to get anywhere--just like all the rest of us working hacks!
It also shows a great deal of arrogance on his part to think that he can behave indiscriminantly, and expect no one to tattle to the press about him. William often whines about how people used and abused his mother, and how they seek to do likewise with him. As long as so many make excuses for him, and portray him as a poor little boy, or as a Golden God Who Can Do No Wrong, he will get away with murder. But as with all the mighty, and famous, eventually the press, now wrapping him in cotton wool, will turn on him, especially if he continues to build himself a trap of misdeeds and arrogant attitude that will appear in future publications, once it becomes open season on him. And it inevitably WILL.
You sucker, William! Wise up! The press is giving you enough rope to hang yourself with! And you've used up enough rope to hang 20 Princes! Given the chance, you'll up that to 100!

Then again, the press knows not to kill the goose that laid the golden egg. Since the public treats William as if he's the second coming of Jesus Christ--quite literally--they will play the See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil game--but only as long as it suits them. One day, someone won't "play," spilling the beans; and all will come out; and the press will dogpile.
One day, Wills, you might not be so cute anymore. The Windsor men blossom early--at 12--bloom all through their 20's, and go downhill after 30. If that's so in your case, you've got 12 years of grace left.

Spend that time wisely. COPYRIGHT ©2000 SUSAN BROWN
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Happy Birthday Wills! Messages for Wills
Brilliant message post musing on Prince William

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