[Unless otherwise noted, all the text on this site is written by Susan Brown, and copyrighted. All rights are reserved on all material, on all pages of this site. Usage by others, in terms of reprints, quotations, etc. must be credited to Susan Brown. ]


by Susan Brown

"Looking at the recent birthday portrait of Prince Harry, we notice how closely he resembles his father, Prince Charles. Obviously that's why he is not as popular as his brother."
So saith a moronic idiot writing for a British publication ( the "Express," I think ). It would be a help if these idiots would stop being so incredibly DUMB! Will they never cease insulting Charles' looks? Or attempting to downgrade poor Harry? It was only a few years ago that the moron mob of British pundits were purveying the theory that Harry was not really the son of the Prince of Wales, but actually of Diana's ex-lover, James Hewitt. They placed photos of Harry and Hewitt side by side, comparing features--ignoring the fact that Prince Harry got those features from the Spencer side of the family, and even closely resembles one of his cousins, a son of Diana's sister, Lady Sarah McCorquodale. Can you imagine these slow-drips missing Harry's most obvious resemblence to Charles? i.e., the similar ears!

I have maintained for years that both boys will come to resemble their father more and more as they get older. I have tried to get this view published in the Premiere Royal magazines, "Majesty" and "Royalty," without success. They know how to pander to the public, and that entails downplaying their physical resemblence to Charles, and playing up the physical heritage of their mother, Diana. True; yes, they do take after her--but NOT in everything! William has his mother's hair ( lucky him--he might then escape male pattern baldness ), and her eyes, eyebrows, and teeth. He's also tall, like her. But that's ALL.

Look at him more closely: he has his father's nose, lips, face shape, body shape ( albeit more muscular ), hands and large fingers ( and having seen a nude photo taken of Charles at a French villa, one hopes that William has taken after his father in OTHER ways as well! Give Charles credit where credit is due. He's plenty HOT! And well-endowed! ). What's more, both boys are developing two of their father's most charming, sexy and handsome features; his dimples, and his cleft chin. Prince Charles, himself, did not develop these until his 20's. But I spotted the beginings of these in William and Harry years ago!
The fact is, Prince William's recent birthday portraits ( also side by side with his father ) reveal just how closely he resembles his father. I look at his face, body, and am reminded of Prince Charles as a young man. He even has the same stance. And, as I'd predicted, the dimples in chin and cheeks are more defined.

So why does not even St. James, nor Buckingham Palace point this out? Because they, as well as the press, see more advantage in playing up the boys as Diana's clones. Clones which, unlike the original, are more easily controlled and harnessed. As Diana's clones, the boys are valuable to all. Acknowledging Charles own charming contributions to these handsome boys' looks apparently "downgrades" them. So it will be awhile before the press, public, and the ass-wipe Royal pundits decide that it is safe to allow Charles his due. The Palace will wisely keep silent until then. They've already been accused of trying to diminish Diana's contribution. But this is NOT entirely the Windsor's doing! As I pointed out before, the Spencer family, themselves, and the board of the Memorial Fund are the main problem in establishing a proper memorial for Diana, having rejected one thing after another, throwing tantrums here and there; at the time a £5 memorial coin was first discussed, there was some stalling from the Spencers, as there was for the British postage stamps ( Earl Charles denied this. There must be some communication problem ). And in the recent postage stamps to commemorate William's 18th birthday, the committee in charge of deciding which photos to use had stupidly decided, quite on their own, to leave Diana completely out of the issue of several stamps! But it was not the Windsor's fault that some stupid ass-wipe decided to be afraid to include Diana. Obviously, Prince Charles, or his staff at St. James, should've pointed out Diana's absence, and insisted upon her inclusion. Sadly, either they didn't think of it, or they didn't notice ( idiots! Their lack made their boss, the Prince, look bad! The Prince needs to hire some intelligent American, who does not have a hard time pointing out important things like this! Ahem--I am available ).

And in reguards to James Hewitt's possible paternity of Prince Harry--no way. If these bird-brains would've stopped looking at the similar features ( features, which are not all THAT uncommon! Britain IS an island! Inbreeding is likely responsible for many people, common and Royal, to resemble each other! Ten --or more--other boys look like Harry. Are they ALL Hewitt's son's? ), and looked at the simple facts:
WHERE was Hewitt at the time of Harry's conception? He was in the army; my guess is, stationed far away from Diana. Harry was born on September 15, 1984. Nine months prior, in January 1984, Diana was with Prince Charles almost constantly--save for a 3-day trip to Norway, her first solo official visit; and I think neither Hewitt, nor anybody else slept with her there. Remember, Diana was on birth control pills. She had to cease them, in order to conceive Harry. And it is related that Diana and Charles were trying to conceive since the year before, in order that their children be close in age. If Diana had an affair, she would've been an idiot to risk pregnancy by another man, especially since her husband was the future king!

Not that the stupid pundits feel at all guilty for their irresponsible crap. They hurt Harry's feelings badly with that garbage. They don't care. And even now, in acknowledging the blooming resemblence of Harry to his father, they decide to let rip the insults! Fact is, Harry IS popular, and even out-pulled William in Valentine's cards in February 2000. Harry loves his father tremendously, posing this year for his official portrait with arms lovingly around Prince Charles. How it must've hurt him, to hear cruel speculation that he was not the son of the father that he adores, and hero-worships! There were numbers of people who were surprised to observe Harry clinging to Charles' hand whilst viewing the flowers left for his mother, days before her funeral. Why be surprised? What's with these sieve-brains? Just the previous Easter Harry had held his father's hand, and the one before that, in 1996, Harry had run up to his father, grasping hold of his hand then, after the annual attendance of the Windsors to church. On a happy, normal occasion, Harry demonstrated his love and hero-worship of his father. On many other occasions, he's been seen kissing, hugging, cuddling with Charles. That IS unusual for grownup Englishmen. My hope is that Harry never loses this uninhibited joy and loving attitude. He is a treasure, and should be valued highly.
HE would make a better King than William, in my opinion. I believe he could handle it much better; and besides, William has said, repeatedly, that he doesn't want the job--and Harry has piped up, saying that he'd be glad to do it! William should have a job that he prefers, and is happy at; but his current role is to be Diana's Beautiful Clone Who Will Yet Be King. It satisfies those who miss her, and resent her exclusion before her death.

One wonders, though, about the changes that his current trip to the Patagonian jungles will bring? William evolves and changes so rapidly, that he is almost unrecognizable from one year to the next. Yes--THAT he gets from Diana. She was the same. She was also independant, and stubborn. He is, too; so will likely get his way about resigning his position as next heir to the throne. And since he is isolated in a jungle, and cannot buy the bleach he needs to keep his hair blond ( yes; William is a bleached-blond, like his mother ), I predict that his newly brunette hair will finally cause people to finally acknowledge his resemblence to his father, Prince Charles. Fact is, while Wills was at school, his hair would return to it's natural shade of brown, his haircut revert to a sidepart. Diana always made sure that she got him bleached and cut to resemble her more closely, during her time with him. Since her death, he's kept up the bleach, and bangs, in her honor. Time will only tell if he decides otherwise. He does look handsomer as a blond, with bangs, so he may keep that as an advantage. But he's his own man, and nobody's clone. His current hairdo is modern, and not a carbon-copy of either parent--as HE is not!

Cheers to both William and Harry. William for his independance, Harry for his warmth and effusive love. May they both be fulfilled and happy.


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