A National Laughing Matter

By SHELLY DECKER - Express Writer
Sunday, November 7, 1999

Whether he's convincing Americans to congratulate Canadians on our recent acquisition of electricity or roasting top politicians, Rick Mercer generates laughs.

It's fitting that one of the key players on This Hour Has 22 Minutes is hosting today's Gemini Awards, which salutes Canada's best TV as it broadcasts live at 8 p.m. on CBC (Cable 4).

"I'm happy to do the Geminis," said Mercer during a phone interview from Halifax, where 22 Minutes is shot.

I've always enjoyed going to them. They've always been a lot of fun," said the witty man, who also stars as TV exec Richard Strong in the industry slagging sitcom Made In Canada, which airs on CBC.

"You know, 22 Minutes has been lucky. We've been kind of blessed. We usually take home a statue or two," he laughed.

"Maybe I have a rarified view of the Geminis."

Read on for a peek at his life behind the camera.

1. What was the last movie you really loved?
I haven't seen a movie in so long. I'm desperate to see American Beauty.

2. What was the first album you ever owned?
Living in A Fog by The Wonderful Grand Band (A former Newfoundland band.)

3. What was the last book you read?
'Tis by Frank McCourt.

4. What's your favourite hangout?
Sitting at the kitchen table with coffee.

5. Do you have a pet peeve?
When you call a business and they immediately put you on hold and then you have to listen to a recorded message telling you how important your phone call is to them.

6. What's your idea of the perfect Sunday?
Don't set the alarm clock. Go out somewhere for breakfast with the papers and don't shave.

7. What's your favourite junk food?
Anything chocolate.

8. What are you doing on New Year's Eve, 1999?
I could be working, which I'd be happy to do or I could be watching The Godfather for the 10,000th time.

9. What gadget or gizmo can you not live without?
My computer.

10. Do you have a hobby or habit that you think would surprise people?
Yes, but then it wouldn't be a surprise any longer, would it?

11. What's your favourite piece of clothing?
A short fall plaid jacket. I got it from a used-clothing store. I can't believe they let it go because someone's mother has knit these little wrist warmers inside the cuffs.

12. What would you change about yourself if you could?
Make my penis shorter, not by a lot; just two inches, three or four, you know.

13. Who do you most admire?
Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin Records. He started a used-records store in London, now there's Virgin everything. At the same time he manages to bomb around the world in balloons and stuff.

14. What is your greatest extravagance?
My shiny paper addiction. There's not a magazine rack that I walk by. It adds up.

15. Have you ever been mistaken for another celebrity?
Greg Thomey (fellow 22 Minutes star).

16. Do you have a favourite quotation?
I love Oscar Wilde's dying words: "Either this wallpaper goes or I do." That's a pretty way to go out. His last words were hysterically funny.

17. What is your greatest weakness?

18. If you are reincarnated who or what will you be?
First choice Newfoundlander, second choice Canadian.

19. Who do you think is the best all time host of an awards show?
Billy Crystal, no one's ever really touched him.

20. Who's the easiest political leader to satirize?
People like Deborah Grey are always fantastic to satirize because they always give you material because people like Deborah Grey, they're just larger than life. They just go for it, 100% at any given point.

--from Canoe.ca

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