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Official Selena Sites
Abraham Quintanilla's Company Site. It does have a small section about Selena, and a Gift Shop where you can purchase official Memoribilia.
This site is mostly about Selena Merchandise, somewhat like Source Tribute. It has some nice graphics and some information about Selena's life.

Source Tribute
This is the site where you can get official Selena statues and dolls.

Yunekost Inc.
Ok..this site will probably be new to most of you unless you live in Pennsylvania like me. It's a company also like Source Tribute, it took over for Source Tribute here in Pa when they move to California. So they also carry some official merchandise.

Selena Fashions
Need I say more..this is where you can get Selena Fashions.

Selena The Movie
Official Movie Website. All about the Movie Selena. It also has some nice graphics.

The Selena Online Magazine
This is site with good graphics, updated often. It has a lot of interesting news on Selena.

Selena Fan Sites
Forever Selena
Forever Selena is an incredible site. It has good information about Selena, and awesome graphics.

The Selena Quintanilla-Perez Site is also great. It has simple but nice graphics. A lot of info and pics too.

This site belongs to a buddy of mine..its mostly all photos.

She Sings with the Angels is another great site with simple but beautiful graphics.

Missing Selena is the latest Selena site by the owner of Jennifer Tribute to Selena. Its just getting started but by the looks of it..its already starting to look as good as her first Selena site. So go take a look at it.

In Memory Of Selena Quintanilla-Perez is pretty much the best Site about Selena out there. Especially when it comes to graphics. Cathi, the owner of this site has been helping me with my graphics..even though my graphics are nothing like hers I'm still working on it.

One of the newest Selena sites out there is Selena in 2000 owned by another friend of mine Cristina. This is a good site and she would like some people to help her out with graphics because she doesn't have a program to do graphics with. Lend her a hand.

Selena Always is beautiful. The graphics for the main layout are changed every month and each time the are something fresh and very pretty.