(formerly) Sonja G. Anderson ~ SAG

as L.A.Film Market Hostess
my favourite famous double date in L.A.(r.i.p.)
my favourite HW private dancer/movie star (r.i.p.)
almost-rockstar (replaced by Tommy Lee) ex-flame*
ex-Bev(H)ills infamous landlady
my Maliboo with a view
Westwood L.A. renouned lawyer friend
West Hollywood actor-writer friend
L.A.Valley celebrity fling (former Canadian tv producer) RIP
our Hollywood girls' club
NY to LA visiting radio friend
Los(t) Angeles producer friend
Academy Award writer-friend Marty Farrell (r.i.p.)
famous director@party+friends
HW to Vegas director friend (favourite Oscar date)
Hollywood Player #45 (least boring time)
best birthday boy @ the beach
best Valley girl (before her marriage to famous athlete)
Sunset Drive accident lawyer Bob & cat
comedian date almost drank his dentures (r.i.p.)
ex-Malibu scientist/writer fiance ~ was 76 (r.i.p.) Capricorn
assisting my L.A. double with New A(n)ge[l] workshop
Disneyland party-time friend (r.i.p.)
complimentary Palm Springs Spa Hotel stays (British mgr friend)


acting at UCLA Theatre Arts ~ coach Richard Hatch (Gemini, Moon in Libra with Venus/PLEIADES, Mercury in Taurus/PLEIADES, Jupiter in Virgo, Saturn with Moon, Uranus in Gemini,

~ Neptune in Libra with Venus/PLEIADES, N.Node/past life with Moon)

acting class coached by Valerie Harper's (RIP) ex husband Dick Schaal (RIP)

acting study with EARL HOLLIMAN in Dick Schaal's (RIP) LA Valley class late 80s/early 90s

auditioned for part of nurse in B-movie "Return of the Killer Tomatoes in Valley (produced by GEORGE CLOONEY) mid 80s

Beverly Hills ~ SHIRLEY MACLAINE Seminar Letter

Canadian Consulate friend in 80s/90s Beverly Israel RIP (worked at CAA talent agency, artist, lived on West Olympic Blvd. & S. Bedford Dr., BH) ~Canada Consulate Officer Liliane Zandueta wants Obit!

Canoga Park (Saturday lunch) friend Ray Houlahan (hot air balloon rides/Christmas dinner at Marriott) & fellow roommate ballooner (late 80s/early 90s)

Cat Delcey (Pacific Palisades) early-mid 90s

comic(r.i.p) double-dated with Hollywood writer Marty Farrell RIP (above) & I (Charlie Callas rip) late 80s/early 90s

Clips ~ Demos of TV, AD & Film Clips edited by Oscar writer Marty Farrell

Curtain Up Showcase directed by Sandy Allison rip (LA/UK) ~ / ~ TO/LA acting coach Eli Rill was in audience of theatre clip taped by producer/real estate entrepreneur/friend MARVIN LIPSCHULTZ

Die Hard 2(cameo between WILLIAM ATHERTON and BONNIE BEDELIA on plane)

Dinosaur Movie Project U.K. (late 80s/early 90s LA ~ Brit producer Stephen ~ dinners at Westwood Marquis Hotel, West LA) ~ friend of REBA McENTIRE

Elizabeth L Paterson (Canadian neighbour/friend at 120 S Reeves Dr, BH in late 80s/early 90s, from Montreal) RIP - June, 2019 ~ had her eye on Beverly Carlton Hotel Retirement Home (last residence)

Facebook Page

ex flame Alan Thicke (RIP) met CBC early 80s, remet in LA mid 80s, worked on set & hooked up late 80s

ex bf Ray Lizarraga (NDE? - (a relative? dad? helicopter accident guidance? 2019), we met in Beverly Hills (he was in copy biz),

{~ Ray L & I celebrated New Years Eve in San Diego, Ray knew Al Thicke's ex GLORIA LORING (Ray took photos of me in Marina del Rey & Malibu in mid 80s)

ex neighbour 2 doors down from 120 S Reeves Drive, Beverly ills ~ ELIZABETH & mother

*ex-rocker/artist bf Herbert "Amadeus" Freed (while @ Bev Hills St Moritz apts. early 90s $700-750/mo) RIP 5/28/19 ~ see ex landlady Louisa Moritz RIP on Silk Rags page

~ Herbert 'Amadeus' Freed's Facebook page if not logged in gets errors (must be logged in to see artwork page) ~ artist spotlight (born: August 1954 ~ Leo)

famous LA 'Blondie' music producer/party friend SHEP GORDON late 80s

**famous stairwell to my Palisades guesthouse (where Thelma Todd lived & transitioned ~ Venus in Virgo)

~ "Thanks to landslides, these stairs no longer go anywhere" (my guest house was at top of those stairs)

former Jackson Browne manager (friend of Dutch girlfriend)

hand model (holding cocktail glass) in 'Marrying Man' (ALEC BALDWIN, KIM BASINGER) late 80s

L.A. Headshot+Acting Postcard

L.A. TV/Film Acting Resume 80s

leg double in 'Quantum Leap' (TV Series, Universal Studios)

Malibu (young) Slavic friend house calls (RIP) ~ drives up Malibu Canyon Road (mid 80s)

Malibu fires in early 90s (Palisades ~ my ($7mil neighbourhood) guest house view $800/mo)

Malibu friend @ 22838 PCH Lee Weldon (KAL Vitamins CEO, got taken out by an Uber from Chatsworth condo on way to his Malibu beach house, June 2019) RIP

Malibu Ranch weekly visits/parties ~ Dr. John C. Lilly (ex fiance @ age 76) ~ RIP ~ see Silk Rags 3 charts

Marriott airport pilot friend (latter 80s) ~ 'Charlie'(original BH Elizabeth/TV movie consultant)/Santa Monica friend (later N.Calif. maid service)

my apartments: from 36 Roxborough Street West #3 in Toronto ($600-650/mo) to South Roxbury Drive park adjacent weekly apartment hotel in Beverly Hills for $200/week (1984)

my Beverly Hills in-between apt stays @ Crescent Hotel in 80s

my famous shrink in Hollyweird 80s/90s

on way to Oscars with 2 dates (show with producer MARV LIPSCHULTZ (see Silk Rags pages & Governor's Ball with Academy writer Marty Farrell above ~ for exact date see his imdb

Palm Springs Christmas movies friend Lester Bohm (will greet mutual Dutch friend VERA DeVRIES) ~ {Capricorn, moon in Libra with Venus/PLEIADES, Mercury in Sagittarius,

~ Venus/PLEIADES in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Libra with Venus/PLEIADES, Pluto with Moon, N.Node/past life in Libra with Venus/PLEIADES} 80s/90s

PRINCE ANDREW once asked me at Neiman Marcus if I go shopping every day~ see Silk Rags 2b (mid 80s)

dinner with Elizabeth Taylor late 80s (late from LA Delta flight to NY, compliments Adnan K)

* ~ Bev ills 'Friends with Benefits' list!

former L.A.makeup artist/SON of ex kentucky gov's welcome tour (early 90s)

from casting couch star-producer to location scout party nephew (JOSH EVANS)

La Jolla trips with NEIL DAVIS, West L.A. Condo (mother: Diamond, San Diego)

London Bridge at Lake Havasu (with mom in AZ, a Vegas interlude, after visiting Egyptian ~ Museum, early 90s)

Long Beach (furniture biz) dates ~ trips to Hearst Castle, Solvang, Orange County charity event (met Tim Conway (late 80s/early 90s)

Oakwood Apts (North Hollywood - dancer TONI friend) ~ champagne & hot tub dates (late 80s/early 90s)

Oakwood Apts (Universal City) ~ Egyptian friend (late 80s/early 90s)

Olympic Committee date ~ drive up California coast in 450SL in mid/late 80s

Polo Lounge, Beverly Hills date & Roxbury Apt Hotel neighbour across street (mid/late 80s) ~ immigration lawyer (rip) [just like Toronto, Bev Hills rent skyrocketed & does credit checks now!]

PRINCE STASH, filmmaker, Malibu (mutual friend Polish-German Count Michael) late 80s

Producer lunch date (appeared on Geraldo Show - early 90s)

Rendezvous Agency owner ~ (Sunset Plaza Drive) French agent lady (LA) - mid 80s

ROBERT J. RUSSO ~ L.A. friend & accident lawyer (1990-1995) & BH Gina (N Robertson Blvd. bakery meets) & boyfriend/DONALD TRUMP friend

Sedona's Cathedral Rock (interlude) ~ (rents $400/600/mo) mid 90s

Sedona dinner date mid 90s

Silk Rags (take off of Debbie Reynold's old North Hollywood Dance Studio called 'Satin Rags') late 80s ~ Astro Pages 2+ cont'd.

then weekly correspondent (former CBC radio) ROSIE R later 90s

Vegas producer friend Marvin Lipschultz (RIP, May 1 2020) ~ a Capricorn!

youtube documentary link (In the Shadow of the Star) 2000s


See Leading Women listing in Academy Players Directory ~ Issue No. 194 ~ September, 1996

~ BIO ~


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