Story List

Here are some of the stories I have written and other people's that I have read and really enjoyed. My personal stories range from fanfiction to my own creations. I will also place some poetry upon this page.

I know what you did AC 190

By SilentClown
This story is based upon an Agatha Christie novel. Its about all the gundam gang stuck on an island with a pyscho killer. Can you figure out whodunit?

The Assassin

By Lady Neptune
This is a story about Trowa and an assassin after his life. This is really great!! read it!

From Romance to Rescue

BY Ariana Crystalline
This is a Gundam Wing fanfic that is really touching. I'd check it out if I were you!

The Beaten Path

This is a story based upon Gundam Wing. It is a story about Heero and Trowa. 1X3 pairing. LEMON warning.

Another Chance at Life

Another Gundam Wing fanfic, but this one is not yaoi though it does contain one sexual scene. It is about Trowa saving this girl's life and what happens after that.

Sapphire's Reserrection

A Sailor Moon fanfic asking the question if Sapphire truly died after Wise Man attacked him. Will continually be updated.

Chapter 1 Chapter 2

A New Progeny


Can also be viewed on my sailor moon site.

The Dream Of Akala

An original story I have written about the future and what happens during that time. Please read it and tell me what you think.
Chapter One
Chapter Two

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