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Here are the bios of all the S club 7 members:

RACHEL STEVENS Age: 22 Date Of Birth: 9/4/1978 Starsign: Aries. ("I'm determined and ambitious like my starsign.") Click here for Rachel's Horoscope for today Likes: The smell of freshly baked bread, R&B, Matthew McConaughey, football and her dog. Dislikes: Being away from her home and family and villages where the only shop is the post office. Turn-ons: "Someone who makes me laugh." Most likely to say: "Just put it on my credit card." Nicknames: ratz or ratzilla We've all seen the pictures. Those awful paparazzi shots of celebs dressed in preposterous clothes. But it's not a fate that should worry S Club 7's Rachel. You could say she's one of those "throw something on and look like a million dollars" kind of people. Then again, that should come as no surprise considering her background in fashion and modeling.

TINA BARRETT Also known as: Tina Bell and Teeny Age: 22 Date Of Birth: 16/9/1976 Astrological sign: Virgo. ("I'm a good perfectionist Virgo.") Click here for Tina's Horoscope for today Likes: Playing pool, R&B, Italian food, Puff Daddy and shopping. Dislikes: Dishonest people, math and people who don't understand her sense of humor. Most likely to say: "This song is great to dance to." Nicknames: Tina-Tenny and Tin Trained from the time she was a toddler in classical ballet, Tina always loved modern dance and spent eight years at London's Arts Educational School. She was soon appearing in fashion shows, a Disney special, plus a chewing gum ad. "I had to wear a swimming costume for that ad. The trouble was that it was the middle of winter!" she recalls with a laugh.

BRADLEY McINTOSH Also known as: Tosh ("because of my surname.") Age: 18 Date Of Birth: 8/8/1981 Starsign: Leo. ("I'm every inch a Leo.") Click here for Bradleys Horoscope for today Likes: Hanging out at Burger King, Jamaican food, computer games and school sports. Dislikes: Wake-up calls and his eyebrows. Most likely to say: "Uhh, will someone turn that alarm off?" Nicknames: brad-Tosh,b or panda Morning is not a word that 17-year old Bradley likes to hear too often, let alone experience. During the afternoon, Bradley has plenty of energy. By evening he's the life and soul, and in the early hours he's completely hyper. "I'm one of those annoying people who always has to keep talking and tapping their fingers. I need things to do," grins Brad. But he's a different kettle of fish in the morning. "My perfect waking-up time is about 12 or 1 o'clock. At the moment I have to get up at 8 o'clock, so it's tough!"

HANNAH SPEARRITT Also known as: Titch, Ted or Minty Age: 19 Date Of Birth: 1/4/1981 Starsign: Aries. ("I've got the Aries drive"). Click here for Hannah's Horoscope for today Likes: Leonardo DiCaprio and parties. Dislikes: Getting bored and her feet. Turn-ons: A funny bloke. Most likely to say: "Right, what shall we do now?" Nicknames: Hannah-spanner,little ted or han The first thing you notice about Hannah is her big, friendly smile. "I'm a happy kind of person. I enjoy doing things." Hannah's certainly done a lot of things. At school in Great Yarmouth she initially threw herself into sports and become a good tennis player, swimmer and runner. "I had lots of ideas about what I wanted to be, including a nurse, a professional tennis player, a teacher and a fitness instructor. But then at the age of 12, after appearing in a local production of Annie, I had a new idea. I wanted to be a performer." Hannah landed a part in the National Youth Music Theatre's production Pendragon.

PAUL CATTERMOLE Also known as: Cattermole, guacamole Age: 23 Date Of Birth: 7/3/1977 Starsign: Pisces. "I'm a watery, imaginative Piscean." Click here for Paul's Horoscope for today Likes: Robert de Niro, whole grilled chicken, his ear lobes, The Great Gatsby and Sandra Bullock. Dislikes: The fact that he's a bit of a worrier and having to take knitting classes at school. Most likely to say: "Turn the music up." Nicknames: Paul-Gawacks,paulo guacamole and cat It was a hard decision. Which career should he choose - performer or particle physicist? Paul certainly had the right family background. "My great grandfather was the managing director of Abbey Road studios, my grandfather was a nanoelectronic particle physicist," explains Paul. "I'm one of those strange people who actually liked physics at school."

JON LEE Age: 18 Date Of Birth: 26/4/1982 Starsign: Taurus. ("I'm as stubborn as a bull. Well, would you argue with one?"). Click here for Jon's Horoscope for today Likes: His hair, Robin Williams and reading books. Dislikes: Tanning beds ("They're really unhealthy."), bad breath, cosmetics tested on animals and bad haircuts. Turn-ons: A nice smile. Most likely to say: "Can I bring Molly along to the party?" Nicknames: jon-Jonny boy The youngest S Club 7 member, Jon appeared in his first school play at the age of four. He later joined a local drama group, took up acting lessons and then purchased a magazine that changed his life. "I saw an ad for a production of Oliver! At the London Palladium and thought, 'Why not?'. I auditioned and ended up landing the lead role of Oliver." Jon eventually left his rural hometown of Devon, England, and headed for London's West End. When his theatre run came to an end, he joined the popular pop star training ground, Sylvia Young's Theatre School.

JO O'MEARA Age: 21 Date Of Birth: 29/4/1979 Starsign: Taurus. ("I'm clumsy, just like a bull."). Click here for Jo's Horoscope for today Likes: Steak and chips, her dog Pepsi, and R&B. Dislikes: Traipsing around clothes stores and her habit of picking her eyelashes. Turn-ons: "A bloke who's funny and short." Nicknames: Jo-jo No one could ever confuse Jo with a shrinking violet. "Loud, full-on and a bit over-the-top, that's what people usually say about me," roars 20-year-old Jo. Jo's big break came thanks to a karaoke machine. "I was 12 and someone pushed me up to sing 'The Locomotion.' Afterwards my dad said, 'Hey, you're quite good.' And that was it. I loved the applause and the attention, so I kept going up and singing!" By the time someone finally pulled the plug out of the back of the karaoke machine, Jo was already planning her next performance.

