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Jesus Fun Land Online Gaming Group

After Jesus took a little vacation inside the liquor cabinet, Jesus discovered that he could not only preach the gospel, but he could preach the gospel and have fun while doing it. Now we all know that Jesus regularly preaches about the religion of Jesusism in chat rooms, but Jesus has recently discovered that he can preach his holy word while playing online video games, sure.. most people won't want to hear about the religion of Jesusism while playing video games but Jesus doesn't give a rats ass because its not you that matters, its only Jesus that matters.

Now i'm sure you're all wondering how you can become a member of this wonderful online gaming group known as Jesus-Fun-Land, or JFL for short. Well first of all you must know Jesus (BBgambini) or Ex-Disciple E Of The Apocalypse (oracle) in chat or know someone that knows them, and you must truly believe in the religion of Jesusism to join... remember this is not a cult, but it IS an online gaming clan. HAIL JESUS!!!

Click here for a list of members of the Jesus-Fun-Land online gaming group and their profiles

Click here for a list of EX-members of the Jesus-Fun-Land online gaming group and their profiles

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