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Nirvana…such a worthy objective. Men are evolving,
like women, but in their own way and with their
own specific concerns. ODYSSEY of the NOBLE
WARRIOR tm is a workshop for men who are
journeying from Neanderthal to Nirvana. A long
time ago, survival of the fittest was a life or
death issue. Today, men have discovered that they
make their lives more meaningful, once they’ve
graduated from survival issues to more spiritual
concerns, by evolving their masculine while
reclaiming the sacred in their lives.

Professional, spiritual and personal success all
demands a finesse in relationships that may be
cultivated for more personal fulfillment.
Professional, a man needs to know what his mission
is and how he’s going to achieve it. Spiritually,
he needs to be clear with himself and the Divine,
delving deeper into his heart and soul to
cultivate a more profound awareness that will
facilitate his spiritual development. Personally,
relationships ask for similar skills.
Relationships with women can be a spiritual
practice, from friendship, through dating, and
throughout marriage.

A man’s emotional development is key in any kind of
success. In our society, there are oppressive
dictates that confuse and mislead men on their
path toward personal transformation, from healing
the past to worldly success to deep fulfillment.
Humans achieve their goals by finding a safe space
to release emotional energy blocking clear
thinking and rapid results. For men, this can
mean choosing a men’s workshop where they can pay
attention to the blocks that have developed into
patterns of failure or distress in their
professional and personal lives.

In my workshops, I like to create a solid foundation
from which one can develop the vision and
confidence to succeed with their personal mission
and get the love they desire. I call this process
THE THRONE OF POWER tm. As a man learns what his
masculinity is all about, he feels more empowered
as a man. Next, in this ODYESSY of the NOBLE
WARRIOR, a man discovers how to lay the groundwork
for a fulfilling professional, spiritual and
personal life. His relationship to the Divine,
his romantic history, his vision and his
relationship with himself, all factor together on

Through the creation of a safe space where he can hear
other men with similar concerns, and then practice
speaking his truth clearly from the heart, a man
learns to be empowered in a way that will serve
him in every arena of his life. And this becomes
a spiritual practice to not only achieve worldly
success, but also leads a man toward personal
fulfillment and spiritual development. How can a
man enjoy his mission, give his all to it, if he
lacks confidence or vision? How can a boy become
a man, and develop adult relationships, if his
inner child is neglected?

ODYESSY of the NOBLE WARRIOR prepares a man for
personal fulfillment by showing him how the world,
his work and women are all part of the divine
chaos that the Creator has so generous made for
his pleasure. He discovers that his masculine
essence is the order in that chaos. In our
culture, however, a man might be traversing from
what David Deida calls, first to second or second
to third stage relationships. In this workshop,
we delve into how a man can both cultivate an
emotional sensitivity and reclaim his masculine
strength. The progress in these developmental
stages leads to what Mr. Deida refers to as
a “superior” man. I would add that he must also
achieve the integration of his chakras as well.

I enjoy leading these relationships and find men very
receptive. Our culture provides so little
guidance for men. Perhaps this why another of my
workshops, HONORING the GODDESS, is so well
received as well. The distinction that I must
underline between my workshops and many of the
other workshops available to men is that I focus
on what I call Bhakti Tantra. Sexuality, in the
conventional sense, really plays a very small role
in the work I do. True emotional and spiritual
development is most central in my work. Can a man
decipher his thoughts and feelings? Can he
confidently, compassionately and gracefully, state
his mission and demonstrate his focus? Can he
surrender his ego and truly serve his partner into
her highest good? How can his really do this?
How is this negotiated?

These questions make up the core directives for my
workshops. This is because our society has a new,
evolutionary direction now where men and women are
reclaiming their intrinsic essences and are re-
discovering the passion and compassion, which
results from their individual development as well
as their energetic synastry. As we learn to
cultivate a deeper relationship with ourselves,
and the divine, we then can better negotiate our
own success, harmony, and fulfillment.

For information on private consultations and the
Warrior Training Program, please email at the
address below:


Goddess Training
Mystical Healing
Tantric Princess
Intro to Noble Warrior
