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Vicki Wei : Last Update: February, 20th,2000
Vicki Wei's Your InterNet Paradise

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[ Who's Vicki?! ] [ Her Fan Clubs ] [ News Group] [ CD Album] [ Lyrics] [ Interview] [ Her Bulleton Board ] [ Photo Collection ] [ Other Vicki links ] [ Interview with Vicki]

Who's Vicki?!
Just in case you don't know who Vicki Wei is...
Vicki Wei (Zhao Wei) is a female china actress, who is very cute, pretty, adorable, lovely, sweet, .....(you get the idea), and has a cute sweet voice. For more information on Vicki, please visit the homepages listed below. You'll find much information on a variety of topics such as her discography, filmography, her personal information, photo galleries, and so on from those wonderful pages. Enjoy!!

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Here is a tiny section of Vicki's famous song, "One Gurl". You will need RealAudio v3.0 in order to play the sound file (28 kByte).

Vicki's Fan Clubs
For fans of Vicki who are new to discover Vicki on the Internet / WWW:
There are TWO fan clubs on the Internet devoted to our lovely Vicki. The official one is called Vicki Wei Internet Fan Club or VWIFC. The other one, which is unofficial but is equally great is called Vicki Wei Mailing List. Members of the clubs share their views and news of Vicki by E-Mail. If you are interested in joining either of these groups, you can follow these steps here:
To join the official VWIFC, please send a E-Mail to stating your request. Special thanks to Lenny La for making this suggest about the club.

To join the Vicki Wei Mailing List, you can send a E-Mail to and put the line "subscribe vicki wei [your email address]" (without the quotes) in the body of the E-Mail. You should receive a reply from the automated program informing you of the subscription result.


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Vicki Bullenton Board
Want to share news or any comments with other fans? Visit my Message Board...
Like the two Fan Clubs of Vicki Wei, the Vicki Wei Message Board provides a forum for fans of her to share information related to our lovely princess. If you're a Vicki Wei fan, don't forget to visit this message board regularly.

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Photo Collection
Pictures pictures and more beautiful pictures! Check out...
"Vicki Picutre Gallery"!
This is a collection of my 100 most favorite pictures of lovely Vicki selected from my 18.5MB collection (a total of 200 pix!!).
If you're true fan of Vicki Wei, you can't miss this one! Even if you're not a fan of Vicki, you still can't miss such beauty! Check it out now!

Still haven't had enough of cute Vicki?
Go to Vicki's Second Photo Gallery Vicki Wei Photos Gallery 2 Now you can relax and enjoy the second gallery mostly new pichas! Don't miss it!

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Other Vicki Links
The list of Vicki Wei's homepage links in the bottom frame below is the most complete one on the internet. If you're a devoted fan of Vicki, you can use this list as a starting point and visit all of them at your leisure time!
The list is database-driven and is updated DAILY. The links are ordered with the most updated one on the top of the list. If you have your own homepage of Vicki Wei and would like to add it to the list below, you can do so by filling out the form below. Thank you very much for your support.

The Vicki Wei Homepage Project
If you currently have a Vicki Wei Homepage of your own and have never heard about "The Vicki Wei Homepage Project", then please click on the button below to find out more about it!

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Yes! I have my own Vicki Wei homepage and would like it to be linked from the list below.
Your Name:

Your EMail Address:

Title of your Homepage:

URL of your Homepage:

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Vicki Interview
So CUTE!! here for her Interview?
Vicki Wei (Zhao Wei) is currently having a interview with the , reporters, what you want to know about her?, Your choice to find out!, rite?, .....(you get the idea), just find out for yourself.
Gotta check it out!

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Vicki's CD Album
Interested in her Singing?
Try visiting the Album and Lyrics!
Sowwie guys this site has no music yet.
but, hey..i'll try to get it on!
LWith the Best hits in from her Series of..
[Huan Zhu Ge Ge]
Go see!CD Albums.

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Vicki's Gossip
Wanna hear anything about vicki?
Vicki is going to break up? is that true?, Vicki has a new b/f?, Now you want to be with her?, Find out what's happening!,

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